Microsoft Word - Money, Banking, and Int Finance(scribd).docx

(sharon) #1

Kenneth R. Szulczyk

  1. A call options give the right to the contract holder to buy an asset at the stated price, while
    the put option gives the holder the right to sell at the price in the contract.

  2. An option's premium is affected by the volatility of an asset's price on the spot market, the
    magnitude of the strike price, the maturity of the option, and interest rates.

  3. Your premium equals: $0.5 1 , 000  10 =$ 5 , 000. You could exercise the option and pay $75
    for petroleum or buy the petroleum from the spot market at $50. Consequently, you would
    buy the oil from the spot market.

  4. Premium equals: $0.01 100  100 =$ 100. Farmer could sell his corn for $6 per bushel on the
    spot market, or exercise the put option and sell his corn for $5 per bushel. Thus, farmer
    would sell his corn to the spot market.

  5. Problem with the derivatives based on the stock market index or the volatility index is no
    commodity, or financial instrument is traded. Instead, the investor gambles on future index
    numbers. Unfortunately, the company issuing the index derivative could have a massive
    exposure if the stock market rapidly drops during a financial crisis.

  6. Credit Default Swaps are a form of insurance. Issuer guarantees payment if a mortgage fund
    or company bankrupts, causing their bonds to plummet in value. Thus, risk-averse investors
    commit to speculative grade investments if they can buy this insurance.

  7. We could not avoid this crisis. However, the impact could have been less severe.
    Government could tighten laws that forced mortgage companies to verify homeowners'
    income. Government could pass laws that prevented the layering of CDS contracts.

  8. Coupon payments are $1.5 million and 2.2 million euros respectively. Implicit exchange rate
    is $1.5 million ÷ 2.2 million euros, which equals $0.682 per euro. Present values of the cash
    flows are:


ଶ.ଶ ௠௜௟௟௜௢௡ €

ଵା଴.଴ଷ +

ଵଵ଴ ௠௜௟௟௜௢௡ €ାଶ.ଶ ௠௜௟௟௜௢௡ €

(ଵା଴.଴ଷ)మ =^107.^9 ݊݋݈݈݅݅݉^ €^


.ହ ௠௜௟௟௜௢௡

ଵା଴.଴ଶହ +

௠௜௟௟௜௢௡ା .ହ ௠௜௟௟௜௢௡

(ଵା଴.଴ଶହ)మ =$98.^1 ݊݋݈݈݅݅݉^

We calculate the Swap's present value as:

݌ܽݓܵ ݁ݑ݈ܸܽ=ܸܲ௙௢௥௘௜௚௡∙ܵ଴−ܸܲௗ௢௠௘௦௧௜௖
݌ܽݓܵ ݁ݑ݈ܸܽ= 107. 9 ݊݋݈݈݅݅݉ €∙


ଵ €−$98.^1 ݊݋݈݈݅݅݉=$31.^4 ݊݋݈݈݅݅݉^

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