Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

II. Psychodynamic

  1. Jung: Analytical

© The McGraw−Hill^127
Companies, 2009

Jung divided childhood into three substages: (1) the anarchic, (2) the monarchic, and
(3) the dualistic. The anarchic phaseis characterized by chaotic and sporadic con-
sciousness. “Islands of consciousness” may exist, but there is little or no connection
among these islands. Experiences of the anarchic phase sometimes enter conscious-
ness as primitive images, incapable of being accurately verbalized.
The monarchic phaseof childhood is characterized by the development of the
ego and by the beginning of logical and verbal thinking. During this time children
see themselves objectively and often refer to themselves in the third person. The is-
lands of consciousness become larger, more numerous, and inhabited by a primitive
ego. Although the ego is perceived as an object, it is not yet aware of itself as per-
The ego as perceiver arises during the dualistic phaseof childhood when the
ego is divided into the objective and subjective. Children now refer to themselves
in the first person and are aware of their existence as separate individuals. Dur-
ing the dualistic period, the islands of consciousness become continuous land, inhab-
ited by an ego-complex that recognizes itself as both object and subject (Jung,

The period from puberty until middle life is called youth. Young people strive to gain
psychic and physical independence from their parents, find a mate, raise a family,
and make a place in the world. According to Jung (1931/1960a), youth is, or should
be, a period of increased activity, maturing sexuality, growing consciousness, and
recognition that the problem-free era of childhood is gone forever. The major diffi-
culty facing youth is to overcome the natural tendency (found also in middle and
later years) to cling to the narrow consciousness of childhood, thus avoiding prob-
lems pertinent to the present time of life. This desire to live in the past is called the
conservative principle.
A middle-aged or elderly person who attempts to hold on to youthful values faces
a crippled second half of life, handicapped in the capacity to achieve self-realization
and impaired in the ability to establish new goals and seek new meaning to life
(Jung, 1931/1960a).

Chapter 4 Jung: Analytical Psychology 121

FIGURE 4.4 Jung Compares the Stages of Life to the Sun’s Journey through the Sky,
with the Brilliance of the Sun Representing Consciousness.


Youth Middle life

Old age
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