Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

II. Psychodynamic

  1. Sullivan: Interpersonal

(^244) © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
nor a result of feelings of loneliness and alienation from other children. Indeed,
imaginary friends not only may serve as a source of enjoyment but also may have the
more important purpose of modeling for children what a truly good, mutually enjoy-
able friendship should be so that they can avoid bad relationships as they grow and
mature into healthy adults.
Critique of Sullivan
Although Sullivan’s theory of personality is quite comprehensive, it is not as popular
among academic psychologists as the theories of Freud, Adler, Jung, or Erik Erikson
(see Chapter 9). However, the ultimate value of any theory does not rest on its pop-
ularity but on the six criteria enumerated in Chapter 1.
The first criterion of a useful theory is its ability to generate research.Cur-
rently, few researchers are actively investigating hypotheses specifically drawn from
Sullivan’s theory. One possible explanation for this deficiency is Sullivan’s lack of
popularity among researchers most apt to conduct research—the academicians. This
lack of popularity might be accounted for by Sullivan’s close association with psy-
chiatry, his isolation from any university setting, and the relative lack of organization
in his writings and speeches.
Second, a useful theory must be falsifiable;that is, it must be specific enough
to suggest research that may either support or fail to support its major assumptions.
On this criterion, Sullivan’s theory, like those of Freud, Jung, and Fromm, must re-
ceive a very low mark. Sullivan’s notion of the importance of interpersonal relations
for psychological health has received a moderate amount of indirect support. How-
ever, alternative explanations are possible for most of these findings.
Third, how well does Sullivanian theory provide an organization for all that is
known about human personality? Despite its many elaborate postulates, the theory can
receive only a moderate rating on its ability to organize knowledge.Moreover, the the-
ory’s extreme emphasis on interpersonal relations subtracts from its ability to organize
knowledge, because much of what is presently known about human behavior has a bi-
ological basis and does not easily fit into a theory restricted to interpersonal relations.
The relative lack of testing of Sullivan’s theory diminishes its usefulness as a
practical guidefor parents, teachers, psychotherapists, and others concerned with
the care of children and adolescents. However, if one accepts the theory without sup-
porting evidence, then many practical problems can be managed by resorting to Sul-
livanian theory. As a guide to action, then, the theory receives a fair to moderate
Is the theory internally consistent?Sullivan’s ideas suffer from his inability to
write well, but the theory itself is logically conceptualized and holds together as a
unified entity. Although Sullivan used some unusual terms, he did so in a consistent
fashion throughout his writings and speeches. Overall, his theory is consistent, but
it lacks the organization he might have achieved if he had committed more of his
ideas to the printed page.
Finally, is the theory parsimonious,or simple? Here Sullivan must receive a
low rating. His penchant for creating his own terms and the awkwardness of his writ-
ing add needless bulk to a theory that, if streamlined, would be far more useful.
238 Part II Psychodynamic Theories

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