Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

III. Humanistic/Existential

  1. Rogers:
    Person−Centered Theory

(^328) © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
calm and pleasant when actually I am angry and critical. It does not help to act as
though I were permissive when I am really feeling that I would like to set limits.

... It does not help to act as though I were acceptant of another person when
underneath that exterior I feel rejection. (p. 9)
A congruent counselor, then, is not simply a kind and friendly person but rather a
complete human being with feelings of joy, anger, frustration, confusion, and so on.
When these feelings are experienced, they are neither denied nor distorted but flow
easily into awareness and are freely expressed. A congruent therapist, therefore, is
not passive, not aloof, and definitely not“nondirective.”
Congruent therapists are not static. Like most other people, they are constantly
exposed to new organismic experiences, but unlike most people, they accept these
experiences into awareness, which contributes to their psychological growth. They
wear no mask, do not attempt to fake a pleasant facade, and avoid any pretense of
friendliness and affection when these emotions are not truly felt. Also, they do not
fake anger, toughness, or ignorance, nor do they cover up feelings of joy, elation, or
happiness. In addition, they are able to match feelings with awareness and both with
honest expression.
Because congruence involves (1) feelings, (2) awareness, and (3) expression,
incongruence can arise from either of the two points dividing these three experi-
ences. First, there can be a breakdown between feelings and awareness. A person
may be feeling angry,
and the anger may be ob-
vious to others; but the
angry person is unaware
of the feeling. “I’m not
angry. How dare you say
I’m angry!” The second
source of incongruence
is a discrepancy between
awareness of an experi-
ence and the ability or
willingness to express it
to another. “I know I’m
feeling bored by what is
being said, but I don’t
dare verbalize my disin-
terest because my client
will think that I am not a
good therapist.” Rogers
(1961) stated that thera-
pists will be more effec-
tive if they communicate
genuine feelings, even
when those feelings are
negative or threatening.
To do otherwise would
be dishonest, and clients

Effective client-centered therapy requires a congruent counselor who
feels empathy and unconditional positive regard for the client.

322 Part III Humanistic/Existential Theories

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