Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1

Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

IV. Dispositional Theories 14. Eysenck, McCrae, and
Costa’s Trait and Factor

© The McGraw−Hill^443
Companies, 2009

  • High scores on the neuroticismscale may indicate anxiety, hysteria,
    obsessive-compulsive disorders, or criminality; low scores tend to predict
    emotional stability.

  • High scores on psychoticismindicate hostility, self-centeredness,
    suspicion, nonconformity, and antisocial behavior; low scores indicate a
    strong superego,empathy, and cooperation.

  • Eysenck insisted that, to be useful, personality must predict behavior,and
    he presented ample evidence to support his three-factor theory.

  • McCrae and Costa, like Eysenck, placed heavy emphasis on biological
    components of personality.

  • The Five-Factor Theory has been used to assess personality traits in
    cultures throughout the world.

  • The NEO-PI-R shows a high level of stability in personality factorsas
    people advance from about 30 years old to old age.

Chapter 14 Eysenck, McCrae, and Costa’s Trait and Factor Theories 437
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