Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

V. Learning Theories 17. Rotter and Mischel:
Cognitive Social Learning

(^530) © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
Because many of our rewards and punishments come from other people, we
develop generalized expectancies that some type of reinforcement will follow from
verbal promises or threats made by others. Sometimes these promises and threats are
kept; other times they are broken. In this way, each person learns to trust or distrust
the words of others. Because we have differential experiences with the words of oth-
ers, it follows that individual differences will exist among people with regard to in-
terpersonal trust.
To measure differences in interpersonal trust, Rotter (1967) developed an In-
terpersonal Trust Scale, which asked people to agree or disagree to 25 items that as-
sessed interpersonal trust and 15 filler items designed to conceal the nature of the in-
strument. The scale is scored on a 5-point gradation from strongly agree to strongly
disagree so that strongly disagree and agree responses would indicate trust on 12
items and strongly disagree and disagree responses would indicate trust on the other
13 items. Table 17.2 reveals several sample items from Rotter’s Interpersonal Trust
Scale. Scores for each of the 25 items are added so that high scores indicate the pres-
ence of interpersonal trust and low scores mean a generalized expectancy of distrust.
Is it more desirable to score high or low on the scale, to be trustful or distrust-
ful? When trust is defined independently of gullibility, as Rotter (1980) contended,
then high trust is not only desirable but essential for the survival of civilization. Peo-
ple trust that the food they buy is not poisoned; that the gasoline in their cars will not
explode on ignition; that airline pilots know how to fly the plane in which they travel;
and even that the postal service will deliver the mail without tampering with it. So-
cieties can function smoothly only when people have at least a moderate amount of
trust in each other.
Rotter (1980) summarized results of studies that indicate that people who
score high in interpersonal trust, as opposed to those who score low, are (1) less
likely to lie; (2) probably less likely to cheat or steal; (3) more likely to give others
a second chance; (4) more likely to respect the rights of others; (5) less likely to be
524 Part V Learning Theories
Pair skating demands a high level of interpersonal trust.

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