Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^624) Back Matter Name Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
N-4 Name Index
Mahler, M. S., 139, 148–151, 154,
158, 160
Maio, G. R., 207
Maisto, S. A., 334
Maniacci, M., 69
Marcia, J. E., 268
Marr, M. J., 130
Marsella, A. J., 502
Martin III, A. M., 157
Martin, L. R., 429
Marusic, A., 418
Marx, K., 187, 189, 190, 194, 209
Maslow, A. H., 11, 69, 273–307,
317, 328, 353, 375, 379,
383, 411, 475, 485, 540
Maslow, B. G., 275, 277
Maslow, R. S., 276
Maslow, S., 276
Maslow, W., 277
Masters, K. S., 393
Masterson, J. G., 377
Matisse, 346
May, A., 345
May, C., 345
May, E. T., 343
May, G. L. M. J., 345
May, M., 531, 532
May, M. B., 343
May, R., 11, 69, 275, 341–372
Mayseless, O., 157
McAdams, D. P., 267, 302, 303, 427
McCarthy, J., 246
McCauley, C. R., 365
McClelland, D., 530
McCrae, A., 418
McCrae, E. E., 418
McCrae, R. R., 400, 401, 411, 415,
418–437, 441, 529
McCullough, M. E., 394
McDaniel, B. L., 569
McGlashan, A., 100
Mcguire, H., 568, 569
McGuire, W., 22, 100, 102
McLynn, F., 100, 101
McNiel, J. M., 429, 432, 433, 434
Mead, G. H., 216
Mead, M., 165
Mendoza-Denton, R., 529, 541, 542
Menninger, K. A., 511
Mervielde, I., 268
Meyer, A., 216
Mickelsen, O., 281
Midlarsky, E., 540
Mikulincer, M., 157
Milton, J., 312
Mischel, H. N., 530
Mischel, T., 529
Mischel, W., 419, 509, 510, 511,
529–546, 559
Mitchell, S. A., 159
Moghaddam, F. M., 502
Molander, H., 402
Moore, B., 536
Morford, J., 129
Mosak, H., 69
Mraz, W., 299
Murray, H. A., 331, 530
Myers, I. B., 129
Neimeyer, G. J., 567
Neimeyer, R. A., 7
Nevo, O., 90
Newton, P. M., 19, 22
Nias, D. K. B., 404
Nietzsche, F., 342, 346
Noftle, E. E., 429, 431
Noland, R. W., 22
Noll, R., 100
Norman, W. T., 411, 420
Norris, J. E., 269
Odbert, H. S., 381, 420
Ode, S., 181
Oesterreich, D., 207
Ogden, T. H., 142
O’Hara, M., 312
Olczak, P. V., 298
O’Neill, S. C., 468
Overton, W. F., 7
Paige, J. M., 391, 392
Paris, B. J., 163, 165, 179
Park, R. E., 216
Pasteur, L., 473, 486
Pavlov, I., 443
Payne, B. K., 55
Perry, H. S., 213, 215, 216, 217
Pervin, L. A., 410
Peterson, B. E., 268
Peterson, C., 503
Petot, J-M., 137
Pettigrew, T. F., 395
Phares, E. J., 512, 519, 520, 529
Phillips, A. G., 334
Picasso, 346
Pickering, A. D., 470
Pincus, J. H., 54
Pine, F., 149
Plomin, R., 428
Poldrack, R. A., 57
Poll, J., 394
Poortinga, Y., 431
Popper, M., 157
Powell, L. H., 393
Praamstra, P., 57
Pratt, M. W., 269
Preiswork, S., 99
Pyszczynski, T., 364, 365, 366
Qualls, D. L., 299
Quinn, S., 164, 165
Rabinowitz, F. E., 343, 344
Raine, A., 54
Ramachandran, V., 53
Rank, O., 311, 363
Rattner, J., 6
Rayner, R., 446, 449
Reiss, S., 300
Reitler, R., 22
Reizes, L. D., 137
Reizes, M., 137
Rholes, W. S., 157, 158
Riklin, F., 124
Riley, S., 334
Roazen, P., 22, 23
Robins, R. W., 429, 431
Robinson, M. D., 181, 182,
433, 434
Rodgers, W., 503
Rogers, C. R., 11, 69, 275, 300,
301, 308–340, 344,
346, 361, 362, 375, 426,
475, 551
Rogers, D., 312
Rogers, H. E., 312

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