Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^630) Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
S-4 Subject Index
collective efficacy, 492–493
collective unconscious, 98
of Jung’s analytic psychology,
common traits, 381
commonality corollary, 559
competence, 256
competency strategies, 536–537
competition, 228
complex behavior, of human
organism, 461–463
creativity, 462
dreams, 463
higher mental processes, 461–462
social behavior, 463
unconscious behavior, 462–463
complexes, 104
compulsive drives
neurotic needs, 169–170
neurotic trends, 170–174
conative needs, 280
condensation, 50
conditioned reinforcer, 454–455
conditioning, 448–457
classical, 449–450
operant, 450–457
personality relating to, 468–471
in psychotherapy, 321
of worth, 318
basic, 171
intrapsychic, 174–180
conformity, 197
congruence, 321
conscience, 30
conscientiousness, 422t
conscious, 23, 25
determinant of behavior, 12
of Jung’s analytic psychology,
conscious v. unconscious
motivation, 75, 379
Allport’s psychology of the
individual, 398
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory, 507
of Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages, 271
Eysenck, Costa, & McCrae trait
and factor theories, 436
Freud’s psychoanalysis on, 62
of Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 210
of Horney’s psychoanalytic
social theory, 183–184
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 572
of Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 305, 306
Rotter and Mischel’s cognitive
social learning theory, 545
Skinner’s behavioral analysis, 474
constructing obstacles, 83
construction corollary, 554
constructive alternativism, 551–552.
See alsopersonal construct
theory, of Kelly
constructs, relationships among,
555–556, 556f
continuous schedule, 455
behavior, 463–466
internal and external, of
reinforcement, 521–523
internal, disengagement of,
496, 497f
locus of, 522, 540–541
self-, 465–466
social, 464–465
coping behavior, 286
core pathology, 249
corollaries, in personal
construct theory
choice, 557
commonality, 559
construction, 554
dichotomy, 556–557
experience, 558
fragmentation, 559
individual, 555
modulation, 558
organization, 555
range, 557–558
role as sociality, 561
correlation coefficient, 406
cortical arousal level, 412
cosmology, 447
Costa’s trait and factor theories.
Seetrait and factor
theories, of Eysenck,
Costa, & McCrae
Counseling and Psychotherapy
(Rogers), 311
counselor congruence, 321
countertransference, 129, 202
courage, 107–108
creative power, 70, 94
in Adler’s individual
psychology, 79
creativeness, 295
creativity, 462
critique of personality theories
Adler’s individual psychology,
Allport’s psychology of
individual, 396–397
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory, 505–506
Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages,
Eysenck, Costa, & McCrae trait
and factor theories,
Freud’s psychoanalysis, 58–61
Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 208–209
Horney’s psychoanalytic social
theory, 182–183
Jung’s analytic psychology,
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 570–571
Klein’s object relations theory,
Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 303–304
May’s existential psychology,
Roger’s person-centered theory,
Rotter and Mischel’s cognitive
social learning theory,
Skinner’s behavioral analysis,
Sullivan’s interpersonal
theory, 238
cultural evolution, 458–459
estrangement from, 207–208
impact of, 167

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