Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^632) Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
S-6 Subject Index
eidetic personifications, 223
eigenwelt(relations with self ), 348,
352–353, 362
elaborative choice, 571
Emerging Lives, Enduring
Dispositions(McCrae &
Costa), 420
emotions, 461
security of, 380
traits and, 432–434
empathic listening, 323–324
empathy, 218
empirical law of effect, 513
empirical research, 435
enactive learning, 482–483
encoding strategies, 536
enculturation, resistance to,
energy transformations, 217,
219, 225t
engineering, 130–131
enhancement, 314
epigenetic principle, 247–249, 249f
epistemology, 5
EPQ. SeeEysenck Personality
Erikson’s psychosocial development
stages. Seepsychosocial
development stages, of
erogenous zones, 32
eros, 355
ERs. Seeearly recollections
Escape from Freedom(Fromm),
190, 196, 209
escape mechanisms, 196–197
essential freedom, 357
esteem needs, 283
ethology, 152
euphoria, 219
evaluations, external, 318
evolution, cultural, 458–459
exclusivity, 260
excuses, 82
The Exercise of Control
(Bandura), 480
Existence: New Dimension in
Psychiatry and
Psychology(May), 345
existential freedom, 357
existential living, 329
existential needs, 191
existential psychology, of May,
anxiety in, 351
background of, 346
biography, 343–346
case study, 350
concept of humanity,
critique of, 367–368
freedom and destiny,
guilt, 352–353
intentionality, 353–354
overview of, 342–343
power of myth, 359–361
psychopathology, 361
psychotherapy, 361–363
related research, 363–367
existentialism, 346–350
expectancy, 514, 537–538
eliminating low, 527–529
experience corollary, 558
exploitative characters, 199
expressive behavior, 286
external evaluations, 318
external factors, 80–81, 479
external influences, 427
external reinforcement, 515
extinction, 457
extraversion, 116–117, 117f,409,
410 f,411–412, 413f,
421, 422t
extraverted feeling, 118
extraverted intuiting, 119
extraverted sensing, 119
extraverted thinking, 118
Eysenck Personality Inventory,
415, 421
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
(EPQ), 405, 415, 430
Eysenck’s trait and factor theories.
Seetrait and factor
theories, of Eysenck,
Costa, & McCrae
Fact and Fiction in Psychology
(Eysenck), 404
factor analysis, 405–407
factor loadings, 406
factor theory, of Eysenck, 408–409
hierarchy of behavior
organization, 408–409
identifying criteria, 408
family constellation, 85–86
fear, 562
feeling, 118
Fehlleistung(faulty function), 52
female Oedipus complex,
42–45, 147
feminine psychology, of Horney,
fictionalism, 73
fidelity, 258–259
final goal, striving toward,
71–72, 78f
fitness, 365–367
Five-Factor Model, of McCrae and
Costa, 418–429, 422t, 425 f
description, 421–423
evolution of, 423–429
peripheral components, 426–427
personal constructs and, 569–570
searching for, 420–423
units of, 424–427
fixation, 36, 193
fixed-interval schedule, 456
fixed-ratio schedules, 455
flexibility, 506
For the Love of Life(Fromm), 190
formative tendency, 313
fortuitous events, 485–486
fragmentation corollary, 559
frame of orientation, 195
free association technique, 19, 48
free choice. Seedeterminism
v. free choice
freedom, 357–359
burden of, 196–198
essential, 357
existential, 357
of movement, 519–520
Freud, theory of. See
psychoanalysis, of Freud
Freudian slips, 52
imaginary, 237–238
non-sexual, 356
Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis.
psychoanalysis, of Fromm

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