Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill^633
Companies, 2009

Subject Index S-7

fully functioning person, 328
functional autonomy, 385–388
criterion, 387–388
processes that are not, 388
functional magnetic resonance
imaging (f MRI), 471

Gandhi’s Truth(Erikson), 246,
gemeinschaftsgefühl(social feeling),
75, 77, 92, 294, 380
gender, 567–568
general behaviors, predicting,
formula for, 520–521, 521f
generalized expectancies, 517
interpersonal trust, 523–525, 525t
needs, 517–519
reinforcement control, 521–523
generalization, 517
generalized expectancies, 517
generalized reinforcer, 454–455
generalized sensuality, 262
parenting and, 267–268
research, 268–269
stagnation v., 260–261
genital period, of development, 46
genital stage, 38
genitality, 259
genital-locomotor mode, 254
Genius: The Natural History of
Creativity(Eysenck), 404
goals, 538
changing, 526–527
pursuing, 335–337
great mother, 109–110
guilt, 352–353
initiative v., 254–255
of Kelly, 563
May on, 352–353

characteristics of, 379–380
early childhood related to, 92
The Heart of Man(Fromm), 190
hero, 110–111
hesitating, 83
hierarchy of needs, 280–286, 280f

higher mental processes, 461–462
Hitler, psychohistorical study of,
hoarding characters, 199
holistic-dynamic theory, of Maslow,
biography, 276–279
concept of humanity, 305–306
critique of, 303–304
Jonah complex, 299–300
measuring self-actualization,
motivation view, 279–288
overview, 275–276
philosophy of science, 296–297
psychotherapy, 300
related research, 300–303
self-actualization, 288–296
Holland’s six career types, 90, 91t
holocaust heroes, 540–541
hope, 252
hostility, basic, 167–169, 171f
human agency, 486–493
collective efficacy, 492–493
core features of, 487
proxy, 492
self-efficacy, 487–492
human dilemma, 191
The Human Mind(Menninger), 511
human needs
frame of orientation, 195
of Fromm, 191–195
relatedness, 191–193
rootedness, 193–194
sense of identity, 194–195
summary of, 195, 196t
transcendence, 193
human organism, of Skinner,
behavior control, 463–466
complex behavior, 461–463
cultural evolution, 458–459
emotions, 461
inner states, 459–461
natural selection, 458
purpose and intention, 461
human science, 59
humanistic psychoanalysis, of
Fromm, 186–211
basic assumptions, 190–191
biography, 188–190

burden of freedom, 196–198
character orientations, 198–200
concept of humanity, 209–211
critique of, 208–209
human needs, 191–195
methods of investigation of,
overview, 187–188
personality disorders, 200–202
psychotherapy, 202–203
related research, 206–208
humanistic-existential theories
Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 274–307
May’s existential psychology,
Rogers’ person-centered theory,
humanity, concept of
Adler’s individual psychology,
Allport’s psychology of the
individual, 397–398
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory, 506–507
dimensions for, 11–12
Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages,
Eysenck, Costa, & McCrae trait
and factor theories, 436
Freud’s psychoanalysis, 61–62
Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 209–211
Horney’s psychoanalytic social
theory, 183–184
Jung’s, analytical psychology,
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 571–572
Klein’s object relations theory,
Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 305–306
May’s existential psychology,
Rogers’ person-centered theory,
Rotter and Mischel’s cognitive
social learning theory,
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