Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^634) Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
S-8 Subject Index
Skinner’s behavioral analysis,
Sullivan’s interpersonal theory,
humor, sense of, 295, 380
hypochondriasis, 201
hypothesis, 6, 9
hysteria, 19
id, 27–29, 28f, 30 f,54–55
ideal self, 316
idealistic principles, 30
idealized self-image, 175
identification, 144–145
crisis, 243
identity confusion v.,
sense of, 194–195
Identity and the Life Cycle
(Erikson), 246
Identity: Youth and Crisis
(Erikson), 246
idiographic, 389
imaginary friends, 237–238
imaginary playmate, 228
inappropriate behaviors, 466–467
incestuous symbiosis, 201–202, 203f
Hitler and, 206
incongruence, 316, 318–319
independence, 518
individual corollary, 555
individual psychology, of Adler,
abnormal development, 79–85
applications of, 85–90
biography, 66–69
concept of humanity, 95–96
creative power, 79
critique, 93–94
introduction to, 69–70
overview, 65–66
related research, 90–93
social interest, 75–76
striving for success or
superiority, 70–72
style of life, 78
subjective perceptions, 73–74
unity and self-consistency of
personality, 74–75
individuals, study of, 388–392
individuation, 123
inductive method, of gathering
data, 405
industry v. inferiority, 255–256
of Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages,
Sullivan’s, 226–227, 233t
infantile period, of development,
anal phase, 40–41
oral phase, 39–40
psychic life of, 140–141
infantile stage, 38
industry v., 255–256
physical, 73–74
inhibition, 54–56
initiative v. guilt, 254–255
inner states, 459–461
drives, 460
self-awareness, 459–460
insight, 380
instinct, 105
instinctoid needs, 286–287
integrity v. despair, 262–263
Intelligence: A New Look
(Eysenck), 404
intentionality, 353–354, 461
intermittent schedules, 455
internal control, disengagement of,
496, 497f
internal reinforcement, 515
Internal-External Control Scale,
510, 521, 522t, 523
internalizations, 145–148
ego, 145–146
Oedipus complex, 147–148
superego, 146
interpersonal theory, of Sullivan,
biography, 214–217
cognition levels, 223–225
concept of humanity, 239–240
critique of, 238
development stages, 225–233
dynamisms, 219–222
overview, 213–214
personifications, 222–223
psychological disorders, 233–234
psychotherapy, 234–235
related research, 235–238
tensions, 217–219
Interpersonal Trust Scale, 512, 521,
523–525, 525t
Interpretation of Dreams(Freud, S.),
21, 22, 56, 60, 100
intimacy, 220
isolation v., 259–260
intrapsychic conflicts, 174–180
idealized self-image, 175
Introduction to Personality
(Mischel), 531
introjection, 37–38, 143–144
introversion, 116, 117f, 410
introverted feeling, 118
introverted intuiting, 119
introverted sensing, 119
introverted thinking, 118
intuiting, 119
intuition, 119
investing, personality type and,
The IQ Argument(Eysenck), 404
isolation, 259–260
Jokes and Their Relation to the
(Freud, S.), 22
Jonah complex, 299–300
Journal of Psychological Types, 130
judgmental process, 495
Jung’s analytic psychology. See
analytic psychology,
of Jung
juvenile era, 228–229, 233t
Kelly’s personal construct theory.
Seepersonal construct
theory, of Kelly
Know Your Own IQ(Eysenck), 404
The Kohut Seminars(Elson), 151
late adolescence, 231–232, 233t
latency, 38
period of development, 45–46
in school age, 255
law of effect, 446
empirical, 513

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