Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

(^636) Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2009
S-10 Subject Index
necrophilia, 200–201, 203f
Hitler and, 206
need potential, 519
need value, 520
needs, 225t, 285
aesthetic, 284
categories of, 518–519
cognitive, 284
comparison of higher and lower,
components of, 519–520
conative, 280
deprivation of, 286
esteem, 283
instinctoid, 286–287
reverse order of, 285
negative reinforcement, 452, 453
negative transference, 49
NEO Personality Inventory Revised
(NEO-PI), 420
NEO-PI. SeeNEO Personality
Inventory Revised
neurosis, 21
Neurosis and Human Growth
(Horney), 165
neurotic anxiety, 352
of Freud, 34
neurotic claims, 176–177
neurotic compulsion, to avoid
negative, 181
neurotic needs, 169–170, 285
neurotic pride, 177
neurotic search for glory,
claims, 176–177
pride, 177
tyranny of the should, 176
neurotic trends, 170–174, 174t
neuroticism, 409, 410f,412–413,
413 f,421, 422t,433–434
positive side of, 181–182
New Ways in Psychoanalysis
(Horney), 165
nomothetic methods, 375
nonbeing, 348–350
nonproductive orientations,
198–200, 204
exploitative characters, 199
hoarding characters, 199
marketing character, 199–200
receptive characters, 198–199
normal anxiety, 351–352
normal autism, 149
normal symbiosis, 149
nothingness, 348–349
object relations theory, of Klein,
Ainsworth’s view of, 153–154
biography, 137–138
Bowlby’s view of, 152–153
concept of humanity, 159–160
critique of, 158–159
eating disorders, 155–156
internalizations, 145–148
introduction to, 139–140
Kohut’s view of, 151–152
Mahler’s view of, 148–151
overview, 136–138
positions, 141–143
psychic defense mechanisms,
psychic life of infant, 140–141
psychotherapy, 154–155
related research, 155–158
objective biography, 426–427
objects, 139, 141
oblique method, 407, 407f
observational learning, 481–482
modeling, 481
processes governing, 481–482
obsession, 21
obstacles, constructing, 83
obstinacy, 40
Oedipus complex
female, 42–45, 147
Freud on, 30, 37, 57, 61
Horney on, 179
Kelly on, 552
Klein on, 140, 146–147
male, 41–42
male development, 147–148
May on, 360
old age, 122–123, 261–264
On Dreams(Freud, S.), 22, 138
openness, 422t
operant conditioning, 450–457
extinction, 457
generalized and conditioned
reinforcers, 454–455
punishment, 453–454
reinforcement, 452–453
shaping, 450–452
operant discrimination, 451
operant extinction, 457
optimal contact, to reduce
prejudice, 394–395
optimism v. pessimism
Adler’s individual psychology
on, 96
Allport’s psychology of
individual, 397
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory, 506
of Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages, 271
Eysenck, Costa, & McCrae trait
and factor theories, 436
Freud’s psychoanalysis on, 62
of Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 210
Jung on, 132
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 571
of Klein’s object relations
theory, 159
of Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 305
Rotter and Mischel’s cognitive
social learning theory, 545
Skinner’s behavioral analysis, 474
in Sullivan’s interpersonal
theory, 240
oral-sensory mode, 250–251
orderliness, 40
organ dialect, 74–75
organismic self, 315
organismic valuing process
(OVP), 336
organization corollary, 555
orthogonal rotation, 406, 407f
OV P. Seeorganismic valuing process
pampered, style of life, 80–81
paranoia, 37
paranoid-schizoid position, 141–142
parapraxes, 52
parataxic distortion, 224
parataxic levels, of cognition, 224
parenting, generativity and, 267–268
parsimony, 94

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