
(avery) #1
Illustration 8: Abnormally shaped colon

Waste deposits attract a lot of destructive bacteria, which produce toxins as a byproduct of their waste-
decomposing activity. As some of these toxins start seeping through the colon walls into the blood, lymph
and surrounding organs, more serious complications than just “waste gain” begin to arise. Migraines,
headaches, neck- and shoulder pain, bloating, premenstrual tension, irregular menstruation, abdominal
cramps, ovarian cysts, emotional instability, sexual disorders, kidney and bladder infections, reduced
mental abilities, as well as cancer, are but a few of the complications related to an overloaded colon. In
fact, chronic illness that is not linked with impaired colon functions is rare indeed. The bowel is a seat for
major neural reflex points, which closely connect this organ with every part of the body (illustration 11 ).
To whichever part of the colon AMA becomes attached, its corresponding part in the body becomes
afflicted with symptoms of discomfort and disease.
For example, if the middle part of your transverse colon is chronically congested and weakened, you
are likely to develop sinusitis. Likewise, if someone has accumulated toxic waste in the bent area of his
ascending/transverse colon (right colic flexure), the functions of his right lung are subdued.

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