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College of Medicine in New York. According to the study report, subjects who took 75 mg of this herbal
product per day for four months saw a 50 percent or greater reduction in the frequency of their migraine
attacks. The only side effect reported was occasional burping. Other earlier German studies confirm this
finding. Petadolex can be purchased through many Internet sources.
Research also shows that riboflavin reduces migraine frequency. Natural foods that contain good
amounts of riboflavin include leafy green vegetables, avocados and grains. Alcohol consumption and oral
contraceptives tend to cause riboflavin deficiency. Ionic magnesium (see ionic minerals in Product
Information at the end of the book) is also greatly beneficial. Since these nutrients need to be absorbed by
the digestive tract, having a clogged colon can lead to deficiencies. Supplementing these nutrients while
cleansing the intestinal tract can effectively reduce or eliminate the cause of migraines.
You may also be able to stop headaches by stimulating your body's natural painkilling ability. By
applying pressure on a nerve just under your eyebrow, you can cause your pituitary gland to release
painkilling endorphins. You can also release endorphins by drinking a glass of water with 2-5 teaspoons
of cayenne pepper, although not everyone can muster that amount of pepper. The brain releases
endorphins when the cayenne pepper hits your stomach lining. In addition, you may put a cold compress
on your forehead or behind the neck, massage the ears, earlobes and the crown of your head.
Headache sufferers should check any medication they are taking for side effects. Prescription drugs
are the single most common cause of headaches in older people. The risk is higher if you take multiple
medications. In addition, common migraine triggers include acidic, processed foods and beverages such
as soft drinks, sugar, chocolate, dairy products, fish, meat, eggs, peanuts and other nuts.
Other vital centers of the medulla include the cardiac center, which controls the rate and force of
cardiac contractions; the respiratory center, which controls rate and depth of respiration; and the reflex
center, which initiates the reflex actions of vomiting, coughing and sneezing. Congestion of the colon can
lead to disorders in any of these vital areas.
If toxic waste accumulates underneath the lung reflex point in the first section of the descending
colon, heart problems may begin to occur. An accumulation of toxic waste in the lower part of the
ascending colon irritates the reflex points of the liver and gallbladder and can lead to contractions of the
bile ducts and the formation of gallstones.
A stiff neck on the right side indicates that the movement of fecal matter in the ascending colon is
very sluggish, leading to toxic overload and irritation of the bowel. Stiffness on the left side of the neck
shows that you suffer from a similar problem in the descending colon. If you also experience stiffness or
pain in the top parts of the left and right shoulder, it shows that your transverse colon is affected, too. A
thorough colon cleanse can rectify the situation and bring relief to these areas. (See colon cleanse
procedures in Chapter 7.)

The Spreading Of Symptoms

Through excessive stimulation or irritation of the bowel neural reflex points, symptoms of discomfort
and disease start spreading to other parts of the body, and intestinal toxins begin to seep into the lymph
and bloodstream. As a result, other organs of elimination and detoxification, such as the liver, kidneys,
skin, lungs and the lymphatic system, may also become congested and overtaxed, which causes further
debilitation and weakness.
The blood and lymph fluids are meant to eliminate the body’s own “natural” waste products,
generated through the constant metabolic activity of its 60-100 trillion cells and the daily turnover of more
than 30 billion cells. To break down, detoxify and remove such an astronomical number of old, worn-out
cells in addition to the large amount of metabolic waste products that are generated every single day, is an

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