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enormous feat the body is challenged to perform without ever getting a break. But when the intestinal
tract is congested and harmful waste begins to overload the eliminative organs, the body has no other
choice but to develop a toxicity crisis to save itself.
The liver is the first organ to receive the flood of toxins coming from the congested intestinal tract.
When exposed to these toxins, the bile flora, which consists of beneficial bacteria, begins to alter, and
intrahepatic stones are formed in the bile ducts. The stones trap the toxins to prevent them from doing
further harm. But the stones also hinder bile secretions, and subsequently render AGNI, the digestive
power, weak and inefficient.
Now, the vicious cycle is complete. Low AGNI leads to further intestinal congestion and ever-
increasing toxicity in the liver. The liver is the body’s primary blood-detoxifying organ. It removes
toxins, waste products, bacteria, viruses and chemicals, via its bile ducts, with the intention to take these
into the small and large intestine for excretion. Under healthy conditions, this is not a problem. But when
the bile ducts are clogged with gallstones, these harmful substances remain in the blood, thereby forcing
them to accumulate in the connective tissues of organs and systems in the body, including the brain and
nervous system. It is not difficult to imagine that this will both weaken and prematurely age these organs
and systems and also cause them to be chronically diseased eventually or even to fail.
Medical intervention, which usually does not include any cleansing procedures, may greatly interfere
with the body’s waste-eliminating efforts. Pain-reducing medication often leads to further pain and even
death. The “improvement” of the cough in pneumonia through drugs can be fatal, too. Removing a
gallbladder that is filled with gallstones does not resolve the underlying problem because the major bile
ducts of the liver continue to be blocked. Is it at all surprising that medical intervention fails to
significantly improve chronic diseases? The reputable medical journal New Scientist announced on the
cover page of one of its more recent issues that 80 percent of the medical procedures used today have
never been properly tested. Nobody really knows what effects they actually have on patients. So many
factors contributing to disease cannot be treated away simply by taking a few drugs or having surgery
(more about this in What Doctors Should be Telling You, Chapter 15).
Moreover, the stress, tension and exertion that are so often an integral part of man’s incessant drive
for success, money and power, can deplete the vital energy of the body and lower the effectiveness of all
the organs and cells to such a degree that they begin to suffocate in their own waste. Added to this
dilemma, external influences such as drastic weather conditions, a change of seasons, traveling to other
countries and midlife transition can sap the remaining energy the body needs to muster to adapt to these
changes. While undergoing emotional duress, all of these factors combined may suddenly become a
trigger for a serious health condition. It is for these or similar reasons that so many people have
respiratory trouble in polluted cities during the summer periods or catch colds during the change of
seasons. They may be suffering from low physical energy and a depleted immune system long before they
actually fall ill.
When the cells and tissues in the body are no longer being supplied with adequate nourishment, water
and oxygen, the aging process accelerates rapidly. Cancer and all other forms of continuous toxicity are,
in most cases, a culmination of many years of overuse or “underuse” (sedentary lifestyle) of the body,
mind and senses, as well as incomplete elimination of waste matter from the body. What we need most in
today’s health care system is to encourage a balanced lifestyle right from the beginning of a person's life.
This will help everyone to maintain the vital energy of the body on a continual basis. Vital energy is made
available throughout the body by Vata—the principal power of movement in the body.

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