
(avery) #1

When the “River” Takes a U-Turn

While digesting a major meal, beneficial bacteria in your intestines generate 10 liters or more of
different kinds of gases (Vata). These gases help to stimulate and facilitate the peristaltic motion
necessary to transport food and waste. Once this task has been accomplished, these gases are absorbed by
the blood, which takes them to the lungs for elimination. However, if the colon is congested with old
undigested foods, these gases become trapped inside the bowels. Hence, the natural downward movement
of Vata slows down, comes to a halt, and is reversed eventually. Instead of eliminating all the waste
matter via the rectum and anus, Vata quite literally takes a U-turn and moves parts of the toxic mass of
fermented or putrefied food in the upward direction.
An impediment in any section of the intestinal tract acts like a dam that hinders the flow of food,
waste, and gases, as well as blood and lymph. To understand this, you may imagine a river that is held up
by a dam. As the water begins to back up, it causes extensive flooding.
The most severe form of obstruction is known as constipation. Constipation slows the passage of
ingested foods through the gastrointestinal tract, which causes them to putrefy and ferment. Putrefaction
occurs when intestinal microbes invade the proteins, peptides, and amino acids of eggs, fish, meat, milk
and cheese. Poorly digested carbohydrates, such as wheat, beans and fruits and vegetables, are broken
down by fermenting bacteria. Decomposed foods contain a variety of toxic waste products, including
hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, histamines, indoles, phenols and scatoles. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia
can damage the liver. Histamines can contribute to allergic disorders such as atopic dermatitis, urticaria
(hives) and asthma. Indoles and phenols are considered carcinogenic, that is, they can cause cancer.
Constipation leads to the backwashing of toxic compounds, many of which enter the lymphatic system.
The rest of them escape either upward and downward or simply accumulate wherever they can in the
intestinal tract.
The toxic waste products impart an offensive odor to human feces. Through the reversed Vata
pressure, minute toxins, harmful bacteria, mucoid fecal matter and some of the harmful gases are forced
all the way into the upper parts of the digestive tract, which causes something of a “traffic jam.” This
chaos can be felt as flatulence or intestinal bloating, cramps or feeling full. Flatus is comprised of over
250 gases, of which hydrogen is the most common.
As the internal pressure extends further upward, more and more toxins end up in the lymphatic ducts
responsible for draining the gastrointestinal tract from normally-occurring metabolic waste matter, dead
cell material and natural food toxins, such as antibodies. This generates lymph edema in the relatively
large cisterna chyli vessels (illustration 7 ) located in the mid-section of the abdomen (belly button area),
noticeable by a further extension or ballooning out of the abdomen. Collecting more toxins in the cisterna
chyli vessels than they are able to neutralize or remove, is, in my opinion, one of the principal causes for
nearly every chronic illness, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and
Lymph edema in the cisterna chyli vessels cause major obstructions in the thoracic duct, which is the
body's largest lymphatic duct, responsible for draining nearly 90 percent of the body’s daily-generated
acidic metabolic waste products, dead cells and other toxic material. Wherever in the body this “garbage”
isn’t readily taken up by the lymphatic system, it ends up poisoning the tissues and organs. When the
body starts taking measures to protect itself against death through acidosis, most people tend to seek the
help of a doctor, who will determine that this (survival attempt of the body) is a “disease.” What the
doctor probably won’t realize is that the body does not stop trying to relieve itself of the toxic burden,
even if a treatment successfully shuts down the symptoms of the “disease.”

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