
(avery) #1

If the reverse motion of Vata continues uncorrected, noxious substances, gases and harmful bacteria
from the lower parts of the intestines are further brought upward through the alimentary tract. The
bacteria acting to decompose this waste begin to produce toxic, putrid gases, commonly referred to as
“bad breath.” Some of the gases may also enter the blood, which takes them to the bronchial system and
lungs, causing irritation to their protective mucus lining. The offensive odor that results from bacterial
decomposition of damaged or dead cells is nearly impossible to mask with mints or chewing gum.
The failure of the congested lymphatic system to efficiently remove metabolic waste material from
the respiratory organs can cause a variety of symptoms. If trapped toxins in the bronchial system, for
example, begin to mingle with germs that naturally reside there, the body will first try to remove some of
them through the mucus formed during a cold or a cough. However, if such release efforts are subdued via
medication or rendered ineffective by the ingestion of congesting foods or stress, the mucus lining begins
to thicken further. This causes breathing difficulties, bronchitis and eventually, asthma. Pneumonia and
other respiratory infections result when certain microbes, which are permanent and normally harmless
residents in the lungs, find fertile ground in the congested environment and begin to spread. The bronchial
system and the lungs attempt to remove some of the excessive mucus, which was formed in response to
the irritation, by coughing it up into the throat. Chain smokers also experience this problem after
awakening in the morning.
The supply of oxygen and water to the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines and other parts
of the body becomes increasingly scarce as lymphatic congestion worsens. Consequently, the body can no
longer guarantee proper elimination of carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products, as well as
cellular debris, from the tissues and organs.
If the body keeps moving AMA higher up in its efforts to eliminate the backed-up toxins, some of
them may become deposited in and around the thymus gland, which is responsible for activating immune
cells. Congestion of the thymus weakens the body's natural defenses against cancer, bacteria, parasites
and viruses. If a nose catarrh occurs, it is extremely unwise to treat it as a localized disorder. A cold is a
toxicity crisis, which represents the body’s need to rid itself of toxins that have already spread
everywhere. If head colds or the flu occur frequently, the mucus membranes may become hypersensitive
to dust and pollen, which can cause sneezing attacks, bronchial spasms and constant watering of the
eyes—typical symptoms of hay fever.
All toxins have a dehydrating effect because the body’s cells have to give up precious water to
remove them—water they cannot afford to do without. Allergies and asthma indicate that the body has
increased its production of histamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating water metabolism
and water distribution, as well as antibacterial and anti-viral activities. In a well-hydrated body, foreign
agents such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals and proteins as found in pollen, are neutralized quite easily
without the need to raise histamine levels to an exaggerated level. Histamine activity becomes
exaggerated when the body becomes dehydrated, which may occur due to the presence of toxins or
insufficient water consumption. In the latter case, the body may become oversensitive to all sorts of
allergens, including the potassium in orange juice.
In asthmatics, the exaggerated release of histamine promotes bronchial constriction. Once their
dehydrated bodies receive their normal daily amount of water^11 , and existing toxins, including those

(^11) To stop the body’s histamine response to dehydration, which constricts blood flow and reduce your need for water, all you
may need is water. So the next time you have an asthma attack, instead of drugs, try drinking 2 or 3 glasses of water. It could
stop your reaction almost immediately. (And make sure to drink at 6-8 glasses of water a day.)

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