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produced from fermented and putrefied intestinal waste, as well as gallstones from the liver, are removed,
histamine production decreases. Thus, bronchial constriction begins to lessen or disappear. In some
extreme cases, though, to stop an allergy permanently, it may also be necessary to “delete” the very
memory of the immune cells that leads them to produce antibodies upon contact with the normally
harmless allergens (foreign agents). To fully restore the body’s balance, it may be necessary to neutralize
all existing allergies, including the hidden ones, to foods, pollen, dust, chemicals, metals, and the like.
(For details see Chapter 7: Employing Nature’s Healing Powers.)
If the body continues to accumulate toxins faster than it is able to remove them, it will eventually
become “tolerant” of them. In other words, you can “get used” to drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking,
eating too much and wearing yourself out, without developing any signs of major discomfort. This only
means that the body has ceased to respond to the buildup of toxins. In this case, the body is no longer able
to put up a “good fight” and may undergo no further toxicity crises. Colds and fever now fail to come.
This, however, is the time when the real trouble begins.
Unable to remove the toxic deposits, the body becomes severely congested. Hence, the normal signals
of intact self-defense mechanisms can no longer occur and fail to alert the person about the imminent
danger of permanent damage. This is the beginning of chronic disease. What would have been an
occasional head cold before, may now turn into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, a stomach ulcer, chronic
cystitis, syphilis, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), fibromyalgia (FMS), heart disease, cancer
or any other illness. To diagnose and treat a cancerous tumor as an isolated, separate disease event is as
illogical as blaming the water-deprived leaves of a plant for causing it to wither and die. Putting water on
the leaves instead of its roots makes no sense, and it doesn't save the plant. Those who keep suppressing
their bodies’ cleansing mechanisms, such as an infection or a simple cold, hurt themselves more than they
know. They sow the seeds for a vicious cycle of ill health. Supporting the body in its efforts to remove
toxins through natural cleansing and immune-strengthening approaches, such as taking MMS, Pau D'
Arco or Olive Leaf Extract (see chapter 7), is much more beneficial than trying to interrupt or stop the
body's own relief efforts. MMS (also see http://www.ener-chi.com),,) for example, breaks down toxins into
harmless components while strengthening the immune system and killing any infectious agents, all at the
same time.

When Vata “Hits the Head”

Symptoms include:

  • Cardiac Arrhythmia

  • Weight loss

  • Muscle wasting

  • Hot flushes

  • Weight gain

  • Nervousness

  • Mental stress

  • Thyroid problems

  • Protruding eye balls

    • Metabolic disorders

    • Ear infection

    • Meningitis

    • Deafness

    • Throat, teeth and sinus problems

    • Eye trouble, headaches

    • Hair loss

    • Loss of Memory

When the “river of toxins” flows into the upper parts of the body, it eventually reaches such sensitive
areas as the thyroid gland. Blood flow and lymph drainage become impaired. Blood congestion, which is

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