
(avery) #1

characterized by thickening of the blood, prevents hormones from reaching their target places in the body
in sufficient amounts and on time. Consequently, the glands go into hypersecretion (overproduction) of
hormones. If the thyroid moves into a hyperactive mode, the overall metabolic rate of the body increases.
The body’s cells become hyperactive and demand an ever-increasing amount of nutrients.
Given the congestion in the abdominal cisterna chyli vessels and the thoracic duct, the lymphatic
ducts that drain metabolic waste from the thyroid into the thoracic duct fail to do so adequately. When
lymph drainage from the glands is insufficient, they become congested. Lymph nodes may start swelling
up and the thyroid becomes enlarged. This brings about hyposecretion (lack) of hormones.
Diseases related to imbalances of the thyroid gland include toxic goiter, Graves' disease, cretinism,
myxoedema, tumors of the thyroid and hypo-parathyroidism, which reduces calcium absorption and
causes cataracts. Behavioral disorders and dementia may also have their origin in thyroid imbalances.
The failing detoxification of the thyroid gland results in thyrotoxicosis.
High toxicity in the thyroid gland often causes cardiac arrhythmia, which is a serious heart condition,
one from which I suffered when I was a child. The heart simply becomes overstressed as it tries to supply
extra oxygen and nutrients to the hyperactive body cells. Related symptoms include abnormal weight loss,
muscle wasting and weakness, excessive heat production, redness of the chest, neck and face, and
hyperactivity of the nervous system. The latter condition causes nervousness, physical restlessness and
mental stress. In many cases, the eyes begin to protrude due to deposits of excess fat, degenerate proteins,
fibrous tissue and other harmful material both inside and behind the eyeballs. The internal pressure in the
eyes can cause staring, rigidity of eye movement and other vision problems.
If lymph congestion occurs, particularly in the thyroid gland of a Kapha body type (see section on
body-types in chapter 5), the resulting low production of thyroid hormone decreases his basic metabolic
rate, leading to weight gain and slowing mental activity. In this case, the body may feel cold, even when
the environmental temperature remains high. In Vata and Pitta body types, hair loss may result.
Ear problems usually occur when, due to lymphatic congestion, metabolic toxins are not properly
being drained from the chest and head areas. Other noxious substances stemming from the gastrointestinal
tract may also be forced up into the auditory (Eustachian) tubes. If this coincides with an upper respiratory
tract infection, microbes may move from the chest area into the ear canals and cause painful ear infections
and the accumulation of pus (dead, decomposed cells). If wrongly treated (through pharmaceutical drugs)
tumor formation, meningitis and other brain disorders, and even hearing loss may result. If you experience
any liquid coming from your ears or discover a swelling near the ears, you need to start some cleansing
procedures immediately. (See chapters 6 and 7.) Note: For short-term relief, the ancient technique of ear
coning or ear candling can help drain old wax, fungus and toxic residues from the ears and open the
lymph ducts for improved drainage. Placing several drops of urine into the ears also helps to clear up
some of the congestion.
If at this stage of imbalance, the body is still fairly hydrated and is not interfered with, it will provide
extra amounts of fluids and mucus to prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream. Any form of
intervention in this very delicate area of the body should be handled with the utmost care, as it may
damage the sense organs of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
Most people think that problems such as tooth decay, tonsil infections, earaches, vertigo, tinnitus,
sore throat, stiffness of the neck and shoulders, hair loss, a hoarse voice, broken speech, headaches, nasal
and sinus congestion and so on, are accidental occurrences that don't need to be taken very seriously. Yet,
these “minor” complaints may indicate major imbalances in the digestive system. They can be the
harbingers of eventually life-threatening circulatory problems, heart attacks, strokes and even brain
tumors. An epidemiological study, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
published in the journal Stroke, found that greater tooth loss is associated with a higher risk for heart

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