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attack and stroke. Observing a group of 1,056 patients, a combined team of doctors and dentists with the
Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study (INVEST), reported in the journal Circulation
that people with high levels of periodontal bacteria also had thicker internal linings of their carotid
arteries—a major risk factor for stroke. Most recently, researchers from the Coronary Event and
Periodontal Disease study (CORODONT) reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine that high levels of
periodontal bacteria were related to a higher incidence of heart disease among the 789 CORODONT
participants. If the flow of toxins out of the body reverses and begins to affect the organs and systems of
the upper body, the seemingly insignificant symptoms caused by these poisons may lead to chronic
illnesses or even death.
A continuous influx of toxins in the nasal area can cause an enlargement of the nasal bone or
cartilage. Toxins act as strong stimulants and can increase growth factors, leading to excessive tissue
growth. In this case, hay fever may result. Sinus headaches, weak eyesight, sore and swollen or puffy
eyes, and general headaches are directly related to a buildup of toxins caused by lymphatic obstruction
and the backwashing of waste from the intestines. The names that describe the various symptoms are not
relevant. However, it is important to know that all these symptoms are indications of the body’s attempts
to eliminate toxins that have accumulated at various locations. The obstruction of Vata activity, that is. the
movement of air, water, lymph, blood, waste, or any other material through the body, is the common
factor in every toxicity crisis (disease).
The crisis occurs when none of the three doshas are capable of conducting their assigned functions
properly. Forced from their respective abodes, the normally benign doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha,
become vitiated and destructive. By suppressing or combating the various symptoms of discomfort or
disease, the doshas become even more unbalanced. The use of pharmaceutical drugs, which only aim to
relieve the symptoms of disease, may cause long-term damage to the physiology and ought to be used
solely as a last resort.
Any successful approach to healing must be based on balancing the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and
Kapha. Once settled in their respective, rightful places, they ensure that the body operates with the best
possible precision and efficiency. All channels of circulation remain clear, digestion stays strong, and the
elimination of waste matter is smooth, complete and frictionless. This allows the body to provide
continuous nourishment to all its cells and tissues. The result is uninterrupted health and youthfulness
throughout life.

Skin Diseases? Mirror, Mirror...

Several dozen skin disorders have been identified to date. However, like a mirror, each reflects the
condition of the blood and the inner organs and systems. The most well known skin problems include
acne, pruritus, the various forms of dermatitis, staphylococcal diseases of the skin, erysipelas, folliculitis,
furuncles (boils), carbuncles, hidradenitis suppurativa, yeast infections, candidiasis (Candida), scabies,
pediculosis, creeping eruption, warts, rosacea, hypertrichosis, alopecia, pseudofolliculitis barbae,
keratinous cyst, psoriasis, lichen planus, toxic epidermal necrolysis, erythema multiforme, granuloma
annulare, pemphigus, ichtyosis, keratosis pilaris, calluses, corns, pressure sores, hypopigmentation
(vitiligo), hyperpigmentation, moles, skin tags, lipomas, angiomas, pyogenic granuloma, seborrheic
keratoses, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, Paget's diseases,
Kaposi's sarcoma, stretch marks, wrinkles, liver spots, varicose veins, “spider” veins, shingles, venereal
disease, herpes, and others.
The skin is the largest organ of the body, weighing 7-12 pounds. It is vitally linked with every part of
the body and serves as a reflector of the internal state of the organism. The skin can be “read,” giving

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