
(avery) #1

important clues about conditions of the blood, lymph and the various organs and systems of the body.
“Reading” the skin is one the most accurate forms of diagnosis available. If the skin becomes diseased, it
is unwise to treat it on the surface. Drug patches, salves, shots, chemical applications, cosmetic
treatments, sprays and X-rays can be extremely harmful and often exacerbate existing skin disorders.
Instead, attention should be given to what is causing them.
The outer skin continues over the lips and up to the nostrils, proceeding into the innermost parts of
the body. This forms the inner skin, which lines the orifices (exits and entrances) as well as the entire
gastrointestinal tract. The outer skin's texture, color and appearance may reflect a nutritional deficiency or
glandular malfunction. With any external skin inflammation (skin disease) there is an inflammation of
some part of the inner body. Inflammation is not a disease, but an appropriate healing response by the
body to rid itself of harmful, irritating substances. As long as the internal inflammation or imbalance
continues, the outer skin will continue to suffer from diseases (unless the symptoms are suppressed with
drugs or other measures).
Whenever Vata’s functions in the body are impaired, the organs of elimination become overtaxed and
must be relieved by passing harmful, foul waste into the skin for excretion. Once all excretory organs
have been restored to normal and regeneration has been achieved, previously ugly, pimply, coarse, puffy
and gross-looking skin will once again assume its natural luster and beauty. Rashes or other eruptions will
fade away, and even coarsening and wrinkling of the skin will smooth out and vanish.
Color changes, blemishes, pimples, blackheads, blisters, boils, roughness, thickness, dryness,
excessive oiliness, over-tenderness, hardness and loss of elasticity, all indicate internal pollution and act
as a constant reminder for the affected individual to improve internal hygiene. The body’s main routes of
excretion are the liver, kidneys, lungs, bowels, lymphatic system and skin. If the amount of toxins and
poisons to be voided are unusually large, then the skin is called upon to assist with this elimination, but
will consequently suffer inflammation. Unhealthy-looking skin speaks volumes about the struggle the
body is going through, physically, emotionally and mentally. If the skin lacks healthfulness, it means that
the entire mind/body system needs attention. Most “infectious skin diseases,” are simply efforts by the
body to eject poisons and cleanse itself. The specific rashes on the skin (for example, scarlet fever,
measles, chickenpox, smallpox, etc.) are simply testimony to the underlying toxicity crises within the
Skin diseases are a visible and valuable indication of the condition of the whole body. The severity of
skin inflammation is linked with the amount and types of toxins the skin must remove to unburden the
other organs of elimination. The skin disease is merely evidence of the body throwing off toxic debris by
passing it through the skin. Healthy skin must excrete more than 1 pound of waste each day. When the
body dumps more than that into the skin in order to protect the vital organs, some of the waste ends up
lodged in the skin tissues, resulting in skin irritation and inflammation.
Some people are more prone to skin disorders than others. This is largely determined by an inherited
weakness of certain internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, or intestines. In my own case, my
mother suffered three bouts of hepatitis before I was born, hence my liver was weak and started
developing gallstones from a very early age. (Since I cleansed my liver, it has been healthy and vital.) An
inherited weakness, however, is not responsible for the fact of disease; that is determined by the
individual. Because of stress, an unbalanced diet and lifestyle, and an overexposure to toxins, the weakest
link in the hereditary chain determines which organ, tissue or function will give way first. This in turn
determines what kind of skin problem develops, such as boils, pimples, rashes, itching, bumps, warts,
moles, lesions or tumors. All of these skin problems are the result of toxins in the blood and lymph trying
to escape the body via the skin. Congestion in the organs of elimination and errors in diet and lifestyle are
the primary causes of dry or oily skin, atrophy of the skin, blotchy complexion and pimples. Besides

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