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28 Proven Secrets for Returning to Abundant Health

"The ultimate cause of human disease is the consequence
of our transgression of the universal laws of life."
~ Paracelsus

The Wonders Of Our Biological Rhythms

lthough it may not be apparent to a layperson, the human body is largely run by “biological
rhythms.” All organs, systems and cells are controlled by exact, cyclic patterns of rest and activity,
which we can aptly call the “universal laws of life.” The following are a few examples of the biological
rhythms that follow these laws:

  • Normal menstrual cycles repeat themselves every 27 ½ days.

  • The stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol are naturally released into the bloodstream during the
    early morning hours to promote physical activity.

  • Immunity and iron concentrations in the blood reach low levels in women during menstruation and
    high levels during ovulation.

  • The liver is more active during the night than it is during the day.

  • Red bone marrow produces more blood cells during the night.

  • Most digestive enzymes are secreted during the day.

  • Bile secretions peak at midday.

  • The large bowel is most active and efficient during the early morning hours.

  • Different types of cells have different life spans and are turned over at specific intervals.

  • The happiness-producing brain hormone serotonin is produced in response to natural daylight.

  • The sleep-inducing hormone melatonin is secreted in response to the darkness of night.

It is estimated that over 1,000 of these biological rhythms operate in and control the human body.

The Human Body Clock

Each biological timer dictates a specific rhythm or cyclic behavior to a group of cells, an organ or an
endocrine gland. The various individual timers or body clocks are intrinsically linked to a common master
clock. The master clock coordinates the individual clocks with one another and makes certain that every


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