
(avery) #1

above or around the belly button area. These knots, which can become as big as a fist, are sensitive to the
touch (detectable when lying on the back). Most edema occurs in the cisterna chyli vessels.
The occurrence of lymph congestion greatly stresses the heart and undermines its effort to maintain
proper circulation. The misdirected Vata pressure may reach all the way to the respiratory system, mouth,
teeth, sinuses, ears, eyes and brain, leaving toxic deposits in these areas. Among other symptoms, this can
cause heaviness, dullness and swelling of the eyes and face. A round face (moon face) is a telltale sign of
long-term intestinal congestion. These symptoms involve fluids such as mucus and lymph, which makes
them Kapha-related issues. Since there are considerably more fluids in the body during the Kapha period
to gather and build strength and prepare for the digestive process (6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.), it stands to
reason that we should avoid anything that could have congesting effects at this time. Ayurveda points out
that sleeping during the Kapha period in the morning can cause severe congestion, leading to respiratory
and circulatory problems. Both of these are Kapha disorders. Sleeping during the Kapha period can also
result in dullness of mind, general heaviness and lethargy, which may last for many hours. Not being
exposed to sunlight during the morning hours also keeps serotonin secretions low. This may cause a lack
of happiness and enthusiasm, with the end result being chronic depression. The desire to sleep on and not
wanting to get up in the morning are the beginning signs of depression.
A recent German study confirmed that rising late in the morning might even be a major risk factor for
heart attacks. It has been known for quite some time that more people die from heart attacks at 9 o’clock
on Monday mornings than at any other time and day of the week. The study found that most of the attack
victims got up around 7:30 a.m., which is Ayurveda’s “danger time.” If oversleeping becomes habitual,
the body cannot efficiently remove waste via the lungs and other organs of elimination, leading to
congestion and exhaustion of the heart.
Remember a weekend when you slept late and woke up late. Did you feel poorly, as if you were
drugged? Perhaps you were even sluggish enough to spoil the rest of the day. This is because the liver
was unable to remove toxins from the blood during the night, and your condition was further aggravated
by sluggish circulation during the Kapha time.
Another side effect that arises from sleeping into the Kapha period is that AGNI gets subdued, causing
digestive problems. AGNI naturally increases with rising serotonin levels in the morning. For this reason,
it is best to see the light of the sun as soon as it rises. This had been the custom in every part of the world
before electricity was implemented and clocks were invented. Since serotonin is closely linked to
happiness, and happiness is the most essential prerequisite of good health, it is obvious that exposure to
natural light from dawn to dusk is one of the most important health-promoting factors.
Benjamin Franklin aptly summarizes the reason why all ancient cultures in the world have always
adhered to the circadian rhythms: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and
wise.” Even the Bible in the first chapter of Genesis mentions “and the evening and the morning were the
first day.” It other words, the next day is determined by the evening before it. I might add to that, “Early
lunch and early dinner will almost certainly make you a winner.” Simply by adjusting your daily routine
to the timing of natural law, you will establish the most essential preconditions for healing, health and
happiness to occur in your life. Since the cycles of Vata, Pitta and Kapha are fixed by the circadian
rhythms, you cannot create your own individual rhythms without finding yourself in a struggle against the
powerful currents of natural law. The degree of your deviation from nature’s rhythms will reflect the
degree of struggle in your body, that is, the discomfort or disease you must deal with in your body and
mind. Disease is a measure to motivate a person to once again, or for the first time, follow these powerful
and beneficial laws of nature.
You may have experienced the phenomenon of jet lag when you traveled to faraway places that are
located in different time zones. Sunrise and sunset occurred at different times and upset your biological

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