
(avery) #1

Vata Pranayama

Pitta Type
Kapha Type

Illustration 14: The three main body types

The human constitution is composed of all three doshas or dynamic forces of nature. Human
consciousness chooses a unique combination of the three doshas to carry out and fulfill its unique purpose
in life. Working together in harmony, the doshas allow the individual to grow mentally, physically and
spiritually to the highest degree possible. Knowledge of the three doshas and their respective
concentrations in the body can hence be very beneficial for self-improvement of your body, mind and
There are ten basic body types. Ayurveda defines them as single-dosha types, dual-dosha types, and
sama-dosha types. Sama-dosha is the rarest of all body types and manifests only when all three doshas are
present in equal proportions. Single-dosha types are also relatively rare, as only a few people are
influenced by one dosha alone. The most common types are the dual-doshas. Each dual-dosha can contain
various proportions of the two components. Thus, a Vata-Pitta type exhibits more air energy, whereas a
Pitta-Vata type has more fire energy in him. A Kapha-Pitta type is dominated by water energy, with fire
energy being the subordinate force. A Vata-Kapha type is mostly controlled by air energy, with water and
earth energies being secondary. And a Kapha-Vata type exhibits more water and earth principles, with
Vata's air energy as the subordinate force.

The Ten Body Types

Single-dosha types:
Vata Air/Space
Pitta Fire/Water
Kapha Water/Earth

Sama-dosha type
Vata-Pitta-Kapha all elements equally present
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