
(avery) #1
Dual-dosha types:
Vata-Pitta 1. Air/Space 2. Fire/water
Pitta-Vata 1. Fire/Water 2. Air/Space

Pitta-Kapha 1. Fire/Water 2. Water/Earth
Kapha Pitta 1. Water/Earth 2. Fire/Water

Kapha-Vata 1. Water/Earth 2. Air/Space
Vata-Kapha 1. Air/Space 2. Water/Earth

The following questionnaire will give you an idea of your particular traits and characteristics and the
possible imbalances in mind and body toward which you may tend. From there onward, you will be able
to understand why each one of us has special needs and requirements and what we can do to meet all of
them. Begin by answering all the questions for all three doshas. After that, add up the numbers for each
section, and then study the characteristics of the body type that scored the most points. Keep in mind that
your current diet, lifestyle, and physical problems may somewhat influence your evaluation. So to give
you more accurate results when answering the questions, take into account the habits, characteristics and
health issues that may have developed over the past 10-20 years. Because your habits may change, you
may want to repeat this assessment after six months of implementing the Ayurvedic program. The results
of your next evaluation will be more in line with your true constitution.

Body Type Quiz

The Vata Type

⇒ I am generally a very active person, and my body movements are quick.
⇒ My memory retention is quite poor.
⇒ I am very quick to learn new things.
⇒ I am naturally enthusiastic, vibrant and vivacious.
⇒ I am very tall (or very short), very thin and I have difficulty putting on weight.
⇒ My joints protrude, and the tendons and veins in my hands and forearms are clearly visible.
⇒ My hair is generally dry, wiry, thin and dull.
⇒ I tend to be indecisive and hesitant when it comes to making choices.
⇒ I get constipated easily and cannot tolerate gas-forming foods such as beans.
⇒ I worry a lot, even when there is no reason.
⇒ Under stress, I am nervous, agitated, restless or paranoid.
⇒ I tend to have cold hands and cold feet, even in the summertime.
⇒ I love hot weather and sunbathing.
⇒ My skin is generally dry, dark, cold, leathery and rough.
⇒ My eyes are narrow, small and dull and tend to be dry and itchy.
⇒ My sleep is often disturbed and interrupted, and I have difficulties falling asleep.
⇒ I speak quickly, and others may call me talkative.
⇒ If left on my own, I tend to skip meals and to sleep at irregular times.

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