
(avery) #1

⇒ Being in the midst of nature makes me calm, happy and relaxed.
⇒ I make a good counselor or teacher.

Vata score_____

The Pitta Type

⇒ I am generally a very efficient, precise and organized person.
⇒ I tend to perspire profusely and, sometimes, have a strong, unpleasant body odor.
⇒ I prefer cool foods and beverages; heat irritates me.
⇒ I may retain water and have a puffy face or swollen eyes.
⇒ I am quick to lose my temper and can be irritable, cynical and sharp.
⇒ I can get angry very easily but calm down again quickly.
⇒ I have a strong appetite, and I often eat more than I need.
⇒ I feel uncomfortable when I skip a meal or if it is delayed.
⇒ I have very regular bowel movements, and it is more likely for me to have loose stools than to be
⇒ Impatience is one of my greatest weaknesses.
⇒ My body is medium built, athletically toned and of medium height.
⇒ My skin is yellowish/reddish, and is prone to freckles, moles, rashes, pimples and sunburn.
⇒ I generally cannot tolerate foods that are hot and spicy, but under stress I crave them, as well as other
intoxicating foods and beverages.
⇒ I am susceptible to early graying and baldness; my hair is thin, fine and straight, and is red, blond or
sandy colored.
⇒ My eyes are almond shaped, green, light brown or hazel. My sclera (white of the eye) are sometimes
yellow and/or bloodshot.
⇒ I am very competitive, success-oriented and somewhat forceful.
⇒ I sleep for about six to eight hours, and my dreams can be violent.
⇒ Under stress, I tend toward ulcers, insomnia, diarrhea and weight loss.
⇒ I tend to be critical of others and myself.
⇒ I believe myself to be endowed with intelligence, charisma, reliability and even brilliance. I feel very
comfortable in the role of leadership, and I think I am quite good at it.

Pitta score_____

The Kapha Type

⇒ My body build is large, compact and wide. My thighs, arms, buttocks, chest and hips are big.
⇒ I prefer doing things slowly and methodically.
⇒ Although I have a soft, gentle and mellifluous voice, it is often congested with mucus.
⇒ Friends refer to me as calm, placid, easygoing or even “laid-back.”
⇒ My sleep is deep, uninterrupted and profound, and I need to sleep eight to twelve hours to feel
comfortable throughout the next day.
⇒ My skin is thick, oily, soft, smooth, clear, gleaming, cool; it has a somewhat pale complexion.

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