
(avery) #1

⇒ I feel better when I skip a meal occasionally.
⇒ I love hot weather and sunny days. Cold, damp weather bothers me.
⇒ My eyes are round, large and clear with thick eyelashes. Friends say they are sensual pools of black or
⇒ I walk slowly, with a measured gait.
⇒ I am a sweet-natured, affectionate and forgiving person.
⇒ My hair is abundant, thick, blond or black and curly.
⇒ I am physically strong, have good stamina, long endurance and a steady level of energy.
⇒ When I am under stress, I tend to overeat, oversleep, feel groggy upon awakening and am slow to get
going in the morning.
⇒ My digestion and metabolism seem to be slow, and I tend to feel heavy after eating.
⇒ I have a tendency toward mucus aggravation, phlegm, chronic congestion, asthma and sinus problems.
⇒ I do not learn as quickly and as easily as some people, but whatever I have learned and understood is
retained in my memory for a long time.
⇒ When I feel unhappy or stressed, I become narrow-minded, stubborn, neglectful, possessive or
⇒ I would love to do nothing and be lazy, but I am hard-working.
⇒ I hold on to many things, including money, relationships and body weight.

Kapha score ____

After adding up the numbers for all the applicable attributes in each section, compare the total scores
for Vata, Pitta and Kapha. If, for example, your totals are Vata 15, Pitta 12, and Kapha 4, then your body
type is Vata-Pitta (Vata-dominating.) Should Vata be 3, Pitta be 4, and Kapha be 11, then you can
consider yourself a Kapha type. It may be that your score for Vata turns out to be 10, for Pitta 19, and for
Kapha 10; in this case, your second dosha is not yet clear. Treat yourself as a Pitta type, and take the test
again six months from now; you will then find that either Vata or Kapha has taken a clearer position, due
to the removal of impurities from the body. In the rare case that your scores are something like, Vata 13,
Pitta 14 and Kapha 14, then your body type is SAMA.
Initially, it may not be easy to determine one’s exact body type. It took me many years of training to
determine a person's body type and to separate it from the imbalances he may have had. For example, a
person may predominantly be Vata, but have a Pitta imbalance, such as a skin problem (like acne, rashes
or reddening of the skin). He may therefore have, perhaps, 12 points for Vata , 11 for Pitta and a few for
Kapha. This may be confusing, and he may not be able sort it out for himself without the help of an
Ayurvedic practitioner.
Basically, in such a case, Vata goes out of balance first (through constipation caused by
irregular eating/sleeping habits, dry foods, or poor bile secretions), which then leads to toxins entering the
blood and lymph. This overtaxes the liver and kidneys. Subsequently, intestinal toxins can no longer be
removed by these organs and are eliminated through the skin, leading to such skin conditions as
blemishes, pimples or acne. Thus, the Vata problem leads to a Pitta condition.
Once the organs are cleansed and the constipation issue is resolved, the skin problems clear up, and
the Pitta score goes down. In this case, the person may now have 12 for Vata and only 7 or so for Pitta,
which makes him predominantly a Vata type (with Pitta or Kapha coming second).
SAMA dosha applies only to people who have almost the same scores for each dosha, and also have
no health complaints whatsoever. As I explained earlier, this is very rare. Most people have some

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