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imbalances, which can distort their true body type. In most cases, the confusion clears up as they cleanse
their organs and eat a more balanced diet.
It is good to know that no one particular body type is more advantageous than another. A SAMA or
Kapha type may have a stronger constitution, which seems to be more favorable, but he doesn’t usually
realize when he steps over the line. When out of balance, he is slower to restore his health. By contrast,
those with a weaker constitution, like the Vata type, are prevented from making too many mistakes
because aches, pains and other forms of discomfort won’t let them.
The emphasis lies on making each body type perfectly balanced and bringing out all its inherent
strength and healthy characteristics. The different percentages and associations of Vata, Pitta and Kapha
in each person are responsible for structuring a unique individual. To give you an idea of the main
characteristics of a Vata, Pitta or Kapha-dominated body type, see the corresponding lists below. Try to
remember, though, that you are always a combination of all three doshas.

Characteristics Of The Body Types

The Vata Type

  • Light, thin physique, narrow body frame; bent or irregularly shaped nose

  • Moves and performs activity quickly

  • Tendency toward dry, rough, cold, and dark skin

  • Aversion to cold weather

  • Irregular hunger and digestion

  • Light, interrupted sleep, insomnia

  • Enthusiasm, vivaciousness, imagination, perceptiveness, spiritually inclined

  • Excitability, changing moods, unpredictable

  • Quick to grasp information, but also quick to forget

  • Tendency toward worry, anxiety, restlessness

  • Tendency toward bloating and constipation

  • Tires easily, tendency to overexertion and hyperactivity

  • Mental and physical energy comes in bursts

  • Low tolerance to pain, noise, bright light

The basic theme of the Vata-type is “changeableness.” Since Vata is composed of the elements of air
and space, movement and changeability are natural characteristics of this body type. Vatas dislike any
form of the status quo. They love excitement and constant change, but if that is not available to them, they
create an irregular lifestyle. For example, they may choose to have different bedtimes each day or to skip
meals. Their unpredictable nature makes them among the least stereotyped people.
Vata types often feel isolated and awkward when they have to stand up to the earthy Kapha type or the
intense Pitta type. However, their “airy” flair, mobility and vivacious nature particularly inspires Pittas
and Kaphas, who lack these qualities. Vatas look elegant when they are dressed up. Clothing fills their
need for insulation and confidence; their dry, lean and almost “hungry” look is ideal for modeling, a
reason why most high-fashion models are Vatas. Physically, Vatas are the thinnest of all the body types;
their shoulders and hips are usually narrow and often rounded. Some Vatas are chronically
“underweight,” and despite eating large amounts of food, they rarely put on any weight. Other Vata types
are thin throughout their youth and become overweight in middle age.

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