
(avery) #1

The Pitta Type

  • Medium build, well-shaped, athletically toned

  • Medium strength and endurance

  • Sharp hunger and thirst, strong digestion

  • Tendency toward anger and irritability when under stress

  • Can be arrogant, self-centered

  • Adaptable, intelligent, bright

  • Tendency toward reddish skin and hair, moles, freckles, skin problems

  • If out of balance, prematurely bald and/or grey

  • Pointed, reddish nose

  • Piercing, sometimes bloodshot eyes

  • Aversion to sun, hot weather

  • Prefers cool foods and beverages

  • Enterprising character, likes challenges, good organizer

  • Sharp intellect

  • Good, precise, articulate speaker

  • Can’t skip meals; otherwise irritable

  • Medium memory

  • Successful leader

The theme that describes the Pitta type best is “intense.” He is mostly dominated by the fire element
and its various qualities. Fire represents the dynamic force of nature and is responsible for all
transformational processes in the body and mind. The mental body (non-physical), which is comprised of
thoughts, feelings and emotions, is a function of Pitta. The Pitta energies are located in the central region
of the body, which is the area generally referred to as the solar plexus. The solar plexus acts like a
“switchboard” for both psychological and physiological activities. The “gut feeling” that we sometimes
have about a certain person or situation is locked into the Pitta force. It gives us the natural instinct to
search for pure foods, clean air, fresh water, stimulating friendships, supportive emotional relationships
and the like, so that we are able to remain in physical, mental and emotional balance.
Pitta dosha also helps us to be moderate in eating, drinking, sexual activity, and in meeting our other
needs. This instinctive quality is highly developed in the balanced Pitta type, which makes him a symbol
of “Sattva,” that is, one who has purity of mind. A disturbance of Pitta, however, results in a loss of
discrimination as to what is useful and suitable and what is not. It is likely to lead to an excessive use of
stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as well as a lust for power and influence. Any of these
alters the proper proportion of bile constituents in the liver’s bile ducts and thereby generates intrahepatic
stones. Pitta also means bile. Upsetting Pitta dosha in the above way leads to the bilious personality for
which this body type is known.
We all need Pitta energy to translate our ideas into concrete realities. Since this energy is most
profusely available in the Pitta type, he exhibits a very dynamic, ambitious and, perhaps, even aggressive
personality. Pittas get things done. Their great vision and foresight is due to the fire element that gives
them a clear inner and outer vision. However, if a Pitta person abuses his power and upsets his balance, he
is the first to develop eye problems and difficulties with his inner vision, too.
Pitta dosha, being situated in the most central part of the body, keeps Vata and Kapha in check. This
also is represented in the Pitta's personality; he is one who always wants to be in control in every

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