
(avery) #1

situation. When his Pitta dosha is balanced, he is indeed the most successful of all body types. His one-
pointed focus and brilliance nearly always find a solution to every problem, and he excels at almost
anything. His real expertise lies in the mental field, where he exerts his true power and skills. He makes
an eloquent and articulate speaker and a good leader of society.
Because of Pitta's strategic position in the body, Pitta types are excellent at playing central roles in
life. The solar plexus is related to sun energy, which controls all life on the planet. Pittas are aware of
their solar plexus power and are, therefore, naturally self-confident. If they are able to transmute the
excesses, indulgence and arrogance, which they may have acquired in their life, they are likely to have
access to the most profound knowledge of Self. Pittas are also very good at passing on what they have
learned through their often amazing insights and experiences.
The situation changes, though, when the Pitta energies move outside the solar plexus into other parts
of the body. The Pitta type suddenly becomes fiery, jealous, cynical, angry and egotistical. He rapidly
begins to lose control, like a forest fire that is quickly spread by strong winds. If his sense of “I-ness”
becomes exaggerated, he may try to subdue his Vata and Kapha counterparts, especially in the area of
sexuality. Pitta’s overwhelming passion for always wanting to be a winner in every area of life may leave
very little room for a wholesome sexual interplay. He may not have the necessary patience and humility
that is required during the most intimate moments of sharing and equality. The unbalanced Pitta type also
tries to use every means to avoid admitting defeat. The most suitable partners for Pittas are the strong
Kapha types, or otherwise, the Kapha-Vata or Vata-Kapha types. Having two Pitta types, for example,
partnering up may not be such a good idea, though.
In physical terms, the dispersion of excessive Pitta energy can lead to heartburn, stomach ulcers,
burning sensations in the intestines, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. This type of destructive Pitta energy may
also affect his skin, which becomes prone to rashes, pimples, inflammation and acne. The skin,
particularly on the face and chest, may easily redden and become hot. Rosacea is not uncommon among
Pittas. Hot flushes and profuse perspiration of the upper half of the body are also a typical sign of Pitta
imbalance. Unbalanced Pitta women frequently experience such symptoms while going through
The Pitta’s eyes can easily become bloodshot and blurry and are often oversensitive to sunlight. This
sensitivity to sunlight and watering eyes are the main reasons why Pittas, whose doshas are out of
balance, insist on wearing sunglasses. Their natural internal heat makes them the worst candidates for
sunbathing. They prefer cool and shady places, and they love taking cold showers when outside
temperatures begin to rise. If they don’t follow their natural instincts regarding exposure to sun and heat,
they quickly burn their skin and become prone to heat exhaustion.
Physically, Pittas are well proportioned, athletically built and of medium size. The same applies to
their face. Their eyes are of medium size with a sometimes penetrating glance. You can easily recognize a
Caucasian Pitta type from far away, as he is likely to have red, blond or sandy-colored hair. He is also the
first among the body types to have grey hair or to go bald. Pittas rarely feel cold, even during the winter.
When the sun comes out, they are the first to complain that it is too warm. Their fair, warm and soft skin
is most likely marked by freckles and moles or skin blemishes. (Note: Some of these Pitta characteristics
do not apply to races with dark hair and dark skin).
Pitta types have only medium physical energy, which prevents them from overexercising or going
beyond their limits. Their stamina is moderate, but their digestive energy is abundant. However,
overeating on a regular basis can lead to sudden intestinal problems. For this reason, they greatly benefit
from moderate food intake and a balanced lifestyle. Eating more than what equals two cupped hands full
at the biggest meal of the day (taken ideally at midday) gets them into intestinal trouble. Impure foods,
polluted water and air, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, soft drinks and other unhealthful substances are

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