
(avery) #1

particularly upsetting to Pitta types and often cause very uncomfortable cleansing reactions, such as skin
eruptions, stomach problems or emotional distress. Pittas are also negatively affected by wearing clothing
that is made from synthetic materials.
Pitta’s main warning signal that he is out of balance is anger, which may fuel his fire energy to the
extent that his body becomes toxic and diseased. The main key to balancing Pitta is “moderation.”

The following factors are the most irritating for the Pitta type:

  • Anger

  • Insufficient sleep

  • Strong sunshine

  • Fasting

  • Sesame seeds and sesame products

  • Wine and other alcoholic beverages,

  • Coffee and other stimulants

    • Vinegar

    • Impure foods

    • Unripe fruits

    • Linseed

    • Yogurt

    • Pungent (spicy), salty and sour foods

    • Late summer and autumn

The Kapha Type

  • Compact, strong and heavier build

  • Well developed and lubricated joints

  • Great physical strength and endurance

  • Hair may be black, blond, dark brown, thick, wavy, oily

  • Stable and reliable personality

  • Steady energy; slow and graceful in action

  • Tranquil, relaxed personality, slow to anger

  • Cool, smooth, pale, often oily skin

  • Hidden veins and tendons

  • Slow to grasp new information, slow to forget

  • Heavy, prolonged sleep

  • Tendency to excessive weight, obesity

  • Slow digestion, mild hunger

  • Excessive need for sleep

  • Calm, affectionate, complacent, tolerant, forgiving, nurturing, maternal

  • Tendency to be possessive, stubborn, attached, narrow-minded.

The Kapha type is controlled by the elements of earth and water, which makes him the most grounded
and stable of all the body types. One word that describes him most aptly is “slow.” The force of Kapha
pervades the food element, and in the body, it is mainly located in the upper thoracic cavity. Both stomach
and lungs are central areas of Kapha activity. Proper lubrication of the mucus lining and joints plays a
major role in keeping his body strong and resistant to disease.
Since Kapha types imbibe the material elements of earth and water, they are the most attuned to the
pace of earthly survival. It is, therefore, not at all surprising that they have the longest life spans of all
three types. In a way, they represent Mother Earth and her qualities of nurturing, vitality and stability.
Kaphas, who represent the food force, are the complete opposites of Vatas, who represent the mobile

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