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force. Pitta is the dynamic force between them. A Kapha person is affectionate, sensual, calm and
forgiving. He makes an excellent parent because he is naturally tolerant and does not become irritable
even when there is a lot of noise or turbulence around him. Kapha types exist mainly on the physical and
astral planes. They feel more at home on planet Earth than Vatas or Pittas do, since the earth and water
elements are most concentrated in their bodies. Their dominating senses are smell and taste, which makes
food one of their favorite things. This naturally makes them good cooks, a characteristic that is rarely
found among Vatas.
Physically, Kaphas have great strength and stamina. Most weight lifters are Kaphas who can access
and utilize vast energy reserves. Their bones and joints are heavy and well-built, but they are hidden
under a protective fatty skin. They have the wide hips and broad shoulders that are often found among
rugby players and heavyweight boxers. Their compact and heavy bodies thrive on athletic performance
and physical activities. They are very willing to perform strenuous physical labor because they feel so
much more alive afterward.
Too much sitting or sleeping, on the other hand, can make Kaphas lethargic and lazy, which slows
their already low metabolic rate. A sedentary lifestyle predisposes them to putting on weight very easily;
this may sometimes even happen by merely looking at food. They tend to deal with unresolved emotional
issues through eating because this activity gives them the most pleasure. In this sense, food is their
temporary way out of an unpleasant situation. Unbalanced Kaphas can be recognized by their excessive
weight. They often become obese if “things don’t move” in their lives. They form a thick, protective layer
of fat underneath their skin when they feel hurt and insecure.
Kaphas have the biggest eyes of all the body types. Their dark or blue irises stand in clear contrast to
their milky white sclera, which makes them very attractive. A typical Kapha trait is their skin, which is
silky smooth, soft, cool, thick, and pale, without a sign of freckles or moles. Even at an advanced age,
their skin tends to be clear and without wrinkles. Its natural oiliness gives the skin a shiny glow.
Kapha types do everything slowly, including eating, walking and talking. They are slow to anger and
slow to react. Calm and self-contained, they love peaceful environments. They are the most relaxed and
the most romantic of all body types; a romantic dinner for two is one of the most exciting things for them.
Kaphas tend to flirt innocently with everyone and to rely on bodily feelings, which makes them ideal
lovers. They rarely feel obstructed in their flow of sexual energy, and they have plenty of it. Kapha types
make wonderful partners for all body types, especially for those who have vital sexual prowess and a need
for many offspring. Kaphas find fulfillment in caring for a family.
When Kapha types are unable to deal with inner conflicts, they tend to keep them inside the body,
unlike Vata types who spurt out whatever they think and feel. Such stored unrest and antagonism can
disturb the Kapha’s basic metabolism and cause congestion, stagnation, and a heavy form of depression.
Depression and melancholia are the vibrations that transform the Kapha’s most precious assets into very
destructive forces. Most cancers are caused by an imbalance of Kapha dosha, and Kapha types are the
most likely to develop Kapha imbalances; hence they are more prone to develop cancers than other body
Because Kapha dosha controls the moist tissues of the body, the mucus lining is the first area to show
signs of imbalance. Unbalanced Kaphas frequently complain of chest colds, wet coughs, asthma, sinus
congestion, allergies, and painful joints, especially during the late winter and in the spring (Kapha
Another indication of an unbalanced Kapha type is his tendency to hold on to possessions, positions at
work, money, food, energy and relationships. He would prefer everything to remain as it is. To keep it
that way, he tries very hard to please everyone except himself, which again makes him a possible
candidate for cancer. (Also see “Cancer—Who Makes It?” in Chapter 9.)

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