
(avery) #1

Even though it is not necessarily a part of their nature, Kapha types benefit greatly from excitement in
their lives. Status quo situations turn the Kapha’s stability into inertia, which is their greatest enemy.
Kaphas thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually if their focus is on having enough stimulation in
their life. Engaging in activities such as exercising, going out, traveling, singing, dancing and playing
musical instruments “keeps them alive.” They need to progress in life to feel good. By contrast, watching
television makes them passive and depressed. Also, lack of exercise, cold and heavy food, overeating, and
receptive work (passive versus active) slow them right down. Kaphas need to be active and only
recognize their great assets of inner security and steadiness when they are in action. This keeps them
youthful and healthy. The main key to balancing Kapha is, therefore, stimulation.

The following factors are the most irritating for the Kapha type:

  • Sleeping during the daytime

  • Heavy food

  • Sweet, sour and salty food

  • Milk and dairy products

  • Cold and dampness

    • Spring and early summer

    • Sugar and sweets

    • Laziness

    • Lack of exercise and physical activity

    • Too much sleep

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