
(avery) #1


The Simple Approach That Allows You

to Maintain Peak Health, Effortlessly

his chapter is dedicated to the main procedures, methods and insights that you can use to actually
create a life of balance. Once balance has been achieved, good health results quite spontaneously.
This principle of natural law applies to every living being and to nature as a whole. Yet creating balance is
not something you will need to do just once in your life, rather it is an ongoing process that allows your
body and mind to function in perfect coordination and harmony with each other and the natural
environment. A life of balance will equip you with the ability to joyfully and passionately meet the
constantly increasing challenges of our time, endowed with the tools of physical and mental strength,
creativity and wisdom.
The factors that could possibly disrupt your health have increased tremendously within the relatively
short period of the past several decades. Not so long ago, it was relatively easy to live in harmony with
the laws of nature and the environment. Now you have to be very alert not to get caught up in the
destructive effects of man’s creations. Many big city children grow up with the notion that food means
highly processes junk; drinking water is not necessary, but soft drinks are; and that nature is merely
something to watch on The Discovery Channel, an American cable television station.
The costs of forsaking a life of balance are astronomical. Many people recognize that our modern way
of life, with its ever-increasing comforts and material acquisitions along with the demands to acquire and
maintain them, doesn’t allow for a healthful way of life. As a nation, the United States has become
dependent upon a health care system that makes us sicker and which has become unaffordable for most,
while pushing the country to the brink of financial ruin. Although we spend more on health care than do
most developing countries taken together, 65 percent of the population is unhealthy and suffers from one
health problem or another.
Never before have we had such a strong need to live a balanced life, but relatively few manage to do
so. Yet balance or good health of mind, body and spirit is an option most of us can choose to create by
following the simple, yet powerful recommendations given in this chapter. A good number of guidelines
presented here are derived from the ancient medical science of Ayurveda and my 35 years of experience
in the field of complementary medicine. I have updated and improved them as a result of regular feedback
that has been provided to me by thousands of patients who have applied these principles in their daily


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