
(avery) #1

Guidelines For Daily Routine And Diet

► Follow the rhythms of nature and your body as described in Chapter 5. This ensures that your body and
mind can function with ease and optimal energy. This also creates the precondition for healing.

Regular rest and sleep: Optimal bedtime is between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m.
► Don’t worry if you have difficulty falling asleep; just lie with your eyes closed and relax. You will
still get 90 percent of the benefit of sleep. This program can help eliminate the causes of sleep

Regular exercise and physical activity
► Morning and /or evening walk.
► Surya Namaskara or “sun salutation”—the most ancient, complete and simple exercise program
(illustration 14).
► Body squatting forms a very important, natural part of life among all tribal people. Benefits include:

  • Improved respiration of almost all cells in your body. The squat incorporates the use of almost all
    the muscles in your body.

  • Increased Chi or life force through important meridians (which control most psycho-physiological
    functions in the body).

  • Improved pumping of fluids, aiding in the removal of waste and the delivery of nutrients to the
    cells in all bodily tissues.

  • Beneficial physiological stress to your hormonal system.

  • The squat movement encourages easier passage of feces through the colon and more regular bowel
    Start off with just a few squats, and increase the number by 1-5 each day. When you are capable of per-
    forming 100 squats in a row, you body will start relying on Chi (life force) for its energy requirements
    instead of using up its physical energy resources.
    ► Chose any other form of physical exercise that suits your body type. (See the section on Exercise
    According to the Doshas.)
    ► Whenever you exercise, try inhaling through your nose while keeping your mouth closed to avoid
    harmful “adrenaline breathing.” Mouth breathing can lead to rapid depletion of one’s energy reserves and
    trigger the release of stress hormones. You may exhale through your mouth if necessary. Some aerobic
    exercises are fine as long as you maintain nose breathing versus mouth breathing. (See more details on
    exercise in the section “Exercise Yourself to Health.”)
    ► Exercise only up to 50 percent of your capacity. Don’t allow yourself to become tired. For example, if
    you can swim for 30 minutes before feeling tired, swim only for 15 minutes. In time, your capacity for
    more exercise will increase. Overexercising, such as in endurance training, weakens the immune system,
    heart and lungs and floods the blood with harmful, acidic chemicals.
    ► Expose your body to fresh air at least once or twice every day for a minimum of half an hour to ensure
    proper circulation and an adequate oxygen supply to its trillions of cells.
    ► Regular practice of Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Pilates or similar fitness programs is highly
    recommended for maintaining energy and flexibility. The Five Tibetan Rites as described in the book
    Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth by Peter Kelder is one of the most excellent and simple exercise
    routines you can follow.

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