
(avery) #1
to the point of panting, followed by a period of low activity (called “active recovery”). One to two-
minute intervals (of activity and rest) are ideal. Doing this for 10-20 minutes per day has more
benefits than engaging in hours of strenuous exercise. Besides, it increases muscle tone, lung capacity
and heart health. During the panting phases, the body uses up its complex sugar reserves in the
muscles. For those who desire weight loss, this method causes you to lose weight after exercising, as
the body tries to replenish its lost sugar reserves by breaking down fat deposits while you are resting.
Weight loss achieved during strenuous endurance exercise programs, on the other hand, tends to be
reversed because the body tries to quickly replenish the lost fat deposits in order to prepare itself for
the next energy-depleting round of exercise. The body perceives the strenuous exercise as a threat.
Vata and Pitta types are those who are affected most negatively by strenuous exercise. Pure Kapha
types are the only people who can benefit from it.

  • It is best to exercise during daylight hours. The best capacity for exercise is available during the
    Kapha period in the morning (6:00-10:00 a.m.) and at the end of the Vata period in the afternoon
    (5:00-6:00 p.m.). The benefits of exercise increase dramatically when it is done in sunlight. (See
    Chapter 8, Sunlight—Medicine of Nature.)

  • Ayurveda discourages exercising after sundown. Allow the body to slow down in the evening and
    prepare itself for a restful and rejuvenating sleep. Never exercise just before or after a meal, as this
    impairs AGNI, the digestive fire, and causes indigestion. However, walking for 15 minutes after
    meals works as a good digestive aid. Always drink water before and after exercising to prevent the
    blood from thickening and the cells from becoming dehydrated.

A note of caution about aerobic exercise: The medical journal, Lancet, reported that aerobic
exercise can cause deadly arterial clogging and heart disease in those who had never before had heart
trouble. According to The American Journal of Cardiology, jogging has similarly caused some runners to
drop dead from heart attacks. Their autopsies show severe coronary artery disease. Any regular, strenuous
form of exercise actually does about as much damage to your heart as continuous stress does. The heart
literally comes under constant attack via the excessive exercise sessions. Marathon runners are known to
lose muscle mass, both in the heart and the rest of the body. Many have dropped dead just after reaching
the finishing line. Short distance sprinters, on the other hand, develop healthy muscles and strong hearts,
as explained in point 3 above.
Vigorous weight training can be equally damaging. It leads to abnormally enlarged, bloated muscle
fibers that actually become dysfunctional and prone to injuries. Oversized muscles constantly use up a lot
of precious energy (complex sugar reserves), energy that your body requires for its more important
activities. Weight training also adds excessive muscle tissue to parts of the body where it was never
designed to be, thus hindering natural patterns of movement. Lifting heavy weights can also raise your
blood pressure and increase the risk of strokes and aneurysms. By nature, the human body was not made
to deal with the additional gravitational force imposed upon it while lifting heavy weights. Frequently
stressing the joints, muscles and tendons causes them to age prematurely. Excessive weight training can
cause permanent damage to the body.

Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskara (illustration 15 ) is one of the most ancient and integrated exercise programs around.
It forms an integral part of Yoga, which benefits both the mind and the body. It is unique in the sense that
it strengthens and stretches all major muscle groups, massages all the internal organs, supports lymph
drainage from every part of the body, and enlivens the energy centers and acupuncture points of the body.

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