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thumb, and exhale through your left nostril.
⇒ Remain there and breathe in again.
Repeat this sequence for five minutes. Be sure to breathe in a relaxed and natural way while sitting
straight and comfortably. This PranaYama supplies a larger and equal amount of oxygen to both
hemispheres of the brain, empties the lower lobes of the lungs from excessive amounts of carbon dioxide,
and makes room for more oxygen to be taken to the cells, giving them an “oxygen bath.” Vatas who feel
tense, restless and stressed can quickly return to balance by practicing this PranaYama. Asthmatics also
benefit from it.


A person of Pitta constitution or Pitta imbalance can “cool down” and enhance female energies in the
body by performing left nostril breathing. The left nostril corresponds to the cooling system in the body.
If it is blocked, the body overheats. For this exercise:
⇒ Close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand, and inhale through your left
⇒ Then close your left nostril with your middle or ring finger, and exhale through your right
Repeat for five minutes, breathing normally and naturally while sitting upright and comfortably.


A person of Kapha constitution can literally warm up and increase male energies in the body by
performing right nostril breathing. The right nostril corresponds to the heating system in our body. If it is
blocked, the body becomes too cold. For this exercise:
⇒ Close your left nostril with the middle or index finger of your right hand, and inhale through
your right nostril.
⇒ Then close the right nostril with your thumb and exhale with your left nostril.
Repeat for five minutes, breathing effortlessly and sitting upright and comfortably.


A person who suffers from obesity should perform a fast PranaYama.
⇒ Sit in a comfortable position, take a deep breath and exhale quickly and forcefully through
the nose. You will naturally inhale after each exhalation.
⇒ Repeat for one minute; then rest for one minute.
⇒ Do this exercise for a total of five times, resting for one minute after each time.
This exercise speeds up the metabolic rate and is the equivalent of running two miles. You will begin
to feel hot and start sweating. It is important at this stage not to drink cold or chilled beverages, as they
shut down AGNI and increase the buildup of fat in the body. Drink water of room temperature.

Conscious Breathing Meditation

Conscious Breathing is practiced in a comfortable sitting position (in a chair or on the floor) and with
the eyes closed. It is best to sit straight to make it easier for the body to breathe without strain. For

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