
(avery) #1

Daily Oil Therapy—Oil Swishing

Oil therapy is a simple, yet astoundingly effective, method of cleansing the blood. It is helpful for
numerous disorders, including blood diseases, lung and liver disorders, tooth and gum diseases,
headaches, skin diseases, gastric ulcers, intestinal problems, poor appetite, heart and kidney ailments,
encephalitis, nervous conditions, poor memory, female disorders, swollen face and bags under the eyes.
The therapy consists simply of swishing oil in the mouth.
To apply this therapy you need expeller-pressed, unrefined sunflower, sesame or olive oil. In the
morning, preferably after awakening or anytime before breakfast, put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in your
mouth, but do not swallow it. Slowly swish the oil in your mouth, chew it, and draw it through your teeth
for 3 to 4 minutes. This thoroughly mixes the oil with saliva and activates the released enzymes. The
enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. For this reason, it is important to spit out the oil after no more than
3 to 4 minutes. You do not want any of the released toxins to be reabsorbed. You will find that the oil
takes on a milky white or yellowish color as it becomes saturated with toxins and with billions of
destructive bacteria.
For best results, repeat this process two more times. (If this releases too many toxins and you feel
uncomfortable, do this only once.) Then rinse out your mouth with half a teaspoon of baking soda or
unrefined sea salt (take either of these dissolved in a small amount of water). This solution will remove all
remnants of the oil and toxins. Additionally, you may want to brush your teeth to make sure your mouth is
clean. Tongue scraping is also advised.
Some of the visible effects of oil swishing include the elimination of gum bleeding and the whitening
of teeth. During times of illness, this procedure can be repeated 3 times per day, but only on an empty
stomach. Oil therapy greatly relieves and supports liver functions, as it takes toxins out of the blood that
the liver is not able to remove or detoxify. This benefits the entire organism.

Diet According To Body Types

“No illness which can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means,” said Moses
Maimonides (1135-1204). The use of food as medicine is not just a treatment model that was almost
common knowledge in ages past, but it is now increasingly being recognized as a matter of survival. Most
chronic diseases share nutritional deficiency as the number one cause for the underlying degeneration of
cells, tissues and organs. Instead of food being our best medicine, modern food production has turned our
best foods into man’s most harmful poisons. Many among the younger generations have almost
completely lost touch with the simple truth that they are what they eat. Even educated doctors tell their
patients that their heart attacks, cancers and arthritic pains have nothing to do with the foods they eat.
Well, not too long ago, doctors told their patients that smoking was good for them. Only rarely does a
doctor question his patient about his eating habits, something that should be dealt with before subjecting
the diseased person to a series of tests that have no other purpose than to find a label and a corresponding
drug or procedure to suppress the symptoms from which he suffers. The treatment consists of methods
that make the symptom(s) disappear. If successful, the patient is considered disease-free, at least for a
little while. Buying into the illusion of a cure is costly, but only to the patient. Everyone else profits from
it. At $7,8 billion a year, Pfizer is now the most profitable of all Fortune 500 companies. Who wins, and
who loses? Consider the following facts. In the United States:

  • adverse prescription drug reactions are responsible for the death of 105,000 people each year.

  • 95 percent of all drug reactions are not properly identified or reported by doctors, hence their true

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