
(avery) #1

wheat. Vatas, however, get agitated and nervous by caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee or tea,
due to their bitter and astringent tastes and stimulating effects.
Vata types tend to suffer from constipation with dry and hard stools if they have too much rice, pasta
or wheat products. Yet when eaten with plenty of well-cooked, juicy vegetables, these foods are Vata
pacifying, too. Potatoes in any form are likely to cause Vata problems since they have a drying and
dehydrating effect. Popcorn is another typical Vata-raising food. Vata’s main rule regarding starch-
containing foods, often referred to as carbohydrates, is to add copious amounts of fats; otherwise, they
tend to pass too quickly through the small intestine and end up being fermented by bacteria in the large
intestine. This causes the typical gas and bloating about which Vatas so frequently complain.
Vatas also benefit from spices that are mild, soothing, sweet and heavy, as listed below. Since their
digestive fire (ANGI) tends to fluctuate and be irregular, ginger, cardamom, fennel and cinnamon can
stimulate the appetite and improve digestion. These also help to reduce gas, a problem that Vatas are
particularly prone to develop.
The Vata type is the only body type that requires more salt in his body and can greatly benefit from
adding it to his food, although it is always better to do so during the cooking process. Care is to be taken,
however, when the salt is eaten in a dry form, such as on salted crackers or crisps. Processed, commercial
salt aggravates Vata, whereas unrefined salt calms it. (Also see Chapter 7.)
It is better for the Vata type to choose unprocessed foods such as unsalted nuts, which are sweet, heavy
and oily, all qualities that pacify Vata. Be aware that nuts and seeds are very concentrated and rich foods,
which means they should be consumed only in small quantities. Vatas can digest them more easily when
they are ground or made into butters. Be careful, however, with commercial nut butters. They become
rancid within a few days of being ground, even if kept in the refrigerator. Nut butters are notorious for
causing food poisoning and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to make nut butter fresh
and keep it for no longer than 2-3 days. One of the best nuts for pacifying Vata is almonds (8-10 a day)
without the skin. Soaking nuts and seeds overnight greatly enhances their digestibility.
Ripe and sweet fruits are also very beneficial to the Vata, provided they are eaten on an empty stomach
and not in the evening. Vata types should avoid fruits that have an astringent taste, as in unripe bananas or
persimmons, whereas the sour taste of grapefruit helps to pacify Vata.
The drying, cooling and light elements of air and space/ether are the most dominating elements in the
Vata type. Therefore, when he is in a balanced state, Vata shows a natural aversion to the following
air/space foods:

(To be reduced or avoided)

  • All cabbage families

  • All dry, rough, and stale foods

  • Bitter vegetables

  • Hollow vegetable with tiny seeds (except

    • Greens and lettuce

    • Most nightshade fruits and vegetables

    • Most dry and compact legumes

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