
(avery) #1

Chili peppers
Coriander seed
Curry, leaves and powder

Garlic, cooked


Note: You may use these spices in moderation, but avoid raw garlic and all very bitter and astringent tasting
spices and herbs.

All are acceptable except for:

Apple juice
Caffeinated beverages
Carbonated beverages
Cold beverages

Cranberry juice
Pear juice
Prune juice
Pungent beverages
Tomato juice

Blackberry tea
Burdock tea
Dandelion tea
Power Drinks

Pitta Pacifying Diet

Favor: Cool or warm foods and beverages; moderately heavy; less added butter and fats except for
ghee and coconut oil; foods that are of sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.
The Pitta type is naturally equipped with a strong digestive power that allows him to choose from a
larger variety of foods than suitable for the other body types. His main adversary, however, is overeating.
As long as he does not abuse his strong digestive power, it is hard to throw him off balance. When
suffering from digestive trouble, just eating lesser amounts of food can restore his physical balance.
The dominating elements in the Pitta type are fire and water. Therefore, pungent and sour foods (both
have heating properties) as well as salty food (containing commercially produced salt) upset Pitta and
should be used sparingly. The sodium chloride in common table salts causes water retention,
malabsorption of nutrients, and blood pressure problems. If used in moderation, unrefined sea and rock
salt, on the other hand, have beneficial effects even for the Pitta type. The dominating presence of the fire
element makes the Pitta type prefer cooling, refreshing foods and beverages, especially during the hot
summer season.
Unlike the Vata type who benefits from oily, sour, salty and heating foods, the Pitta type is greatly
disturbed by them. (Note: if you are a Vata/Pitta type and not sure which one of the two doshas is the
dominant one in your body, apply the muscle test for a couple of major food items from the Pitta list and
see whether the results match your body type score). Pitta types benefit more from bitter and astringent
tastes, both of which are contained in lettuces, herbs and green leafy vegetables. Legumes are mainly
astringent and are generally liked by all Pitta types. Foods that have cold, heavy, and dry qualities are
generally more suitable for the Pitta type. Mint, for example, has cooling properties whereas honey is
heating. Wheat is both cooling and heavy compared to the light and heating properties of buckwheat or
millet. Potatoes or cauliflower are very dry in comparison to the oiliness of eggs or peanuts. The Pitta’s
strong AGNI has no problem digesting the more dry, cold and heavy foods, and they are, therefore, not
gas-forming for him. Grain foods, on the other hand, cause him trouble if they are left whole. Brown rice

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