
(avery) #1

were imprisoned for committing involuntary manslaughter of their babies. They fed the twins soy milk,
which starved them to death. Soy products (unless properly fermented for several years) have a toxic
effect on the body, and should not be consumed on a regular basis, if at all. Likewise, eating other
legumes more often than 1-2 times per week can impair immune functions and cause GI-tract
Yellow mung beans (dhal), if soaked overnight or at least 30-60 minutes prior to cooking for 30-40
minutes, contain the least amount of these compounds and are relatively easy to digest. However, once
again, the rule of thumb is not to eat them more often than 1-2 times per week.

Ideal Daily Routine—Dinacharya

The following outline summarizes an ideal daily routine, which can help anyone to restore his health
or prevent illness from arising. Many people find that they can stick to some of the points but not to all of
them. This is fine. Begin implementing those first that seem to be the easiest for you. As they become a
natural part of your way of life, you may discover that you can implement more and more of them into
your daily routine. The most important points appear in bold letters.


  • Arise early in the morning (before sunrise)

  • Clean teeth, scrape and clean tongue

  • Drink a glass of warm water

  • Drink another glass of warm water lemon and honey

  • Evacuate bowels and bladder

  • Dry brush the body

  • Apply oil massage to head, body and soles of feet

  • While massaging, swish 1-2 tablespoons of cold-pressed sunflower or sesame oil in your mouth
    for 3-4 minutes, and then spit it into the toilet

  • Warm bath or shower, ideally followed by a brief cold shower

  • Yoga Asanas (postures) and PranaYama (breathing exercise). If you wish to do vigorous exercise
    that causes you to perspire, do this after evacuating your bowels and bladder, and before dry
    brushing or the oil massage

  • Meditation

  • Light breakfast before 8:00 a.m. (optional for Kapha types)

  • Work or study


  • Lunch at 12-1:00 p.m.: Substantial meal according to body type and season

  • Brief rest after lunch, ideally followed by a walk of 10-15 minutes

  • Work or study

  • Yoga Asanas and PranaYama (optional)

  • Meditation (optional)

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