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“If it's never our fault, we can't take responsibility for it.
If we can't take responsibility for it, we'll always be its victim.”
~ Richard Bach


ood health is the most valuable possession you could possibly have. This simple truth applies as
much to a newborn baby as to an elderly man, a mother, a doctor, the common person on the street,
or the president of a country. Whenever your body becomes sick or does not perform up to what you feel
to be normal, you may experience a state of discomfort, fear or depression that can only be remedied by
restoring your body’s former health and vitality. To truly feel comfortable within yourself and in your
surroundings, you must be able to heal every kind of “dis-ease” that you experience.
You are indeed capable of healing yourself. Your state of health is but a reflection of how you
perceive yourself and your world. This naturally places the responsibility for your wellbeing where it
belongs—in your own hands. Once you have achieved vibrant health, you will not just feel well. You will
have become “whole,” perhaps, for the very first time in your life.
Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation can help unleash the tremendous power of healing that
lies dormant within you and restore balance on all levels of the body, mind and spirit. Using you own
healing powers establishes a permanent comfort zone or continuous sense of satisfaction, which forms the
basis for a creative, successful and rewarding life.
When you fall ill or your body ages abnormally fast, you may develop an urge to look for a remedy
that promises quick relief. Today there is a medical drug or treatment for almost every illness. You are led
to believe that if you only suppress or eliminate the symptoms of a disease, such as pain, you have also
have eradicated the disease. This ill-founded belief seems to be deeply engraved in our minds. The
medical industry plays a major role in re-enforcing it by offering us almost only symptom-oriented
treatments. Of course, our own impatience to get well makes us perfect candidates for these fast-acting
remedies. But each time we remove a symptom without attending to its cause, we further distance
ourselves from regaining the balance required for continuous health and vitality. Consequently, good
health remains but a dream, and we may resign ourselves to some degree of ill health, resorting to sayings
such as, “Well, that’s life!” or, "We all have to die from something!"
Regaining your health is not about applying a magical quick fix; rather, it is a reconstruction process
that affects every part of your life, that is, creativity, job, relationships, emotions, happiness, etc. It would
be very simplistic to assume that a few vitamin pills, a new wonder drug, an operation, or even an
alternative medical treatment could, in the spur of a moment, undo the effects of many years of neglect.
The body may have had to endure much strain from not receiving proper nourishment or sufficient sleep
and exercise for years on end. Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation is about setting the
preconditions for the body to do what it knows best—creating and maintaining balance—regardless of age
and previous health problems. You can find the key to bring balance into every aspect of your life by
starting to take responsibility for your own health.
This book deals with the most down-to-earth issues of health, such as lifestyle, diet, nutrition,
exercise, daily routine, exposure to sunlight, and the like, some of which are derived from Ayurvedic
Medicine. Ayurveda, which literally means Science of Life, is the most ancient and complete system of

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