
(avery) #1

after death and are very advanced by the time the meat is several days or weeks old, as is the case by the
time it is offered for sale in most grocery stores or meat markets.
Whether it is E. coli, other bacteria, or enzymes acting on the dead ingested protein, they effectively
send the body’s immune system on a “mission of war,” hence, the stimulating effect of meat. Depending
on one’s physical resources and immune capacity, the body may eventually get overwhelmed by the
influx of virulent poisons and destructive germs and begin to signal “dis-ease.” Those with the weakest
immune system are usually the first to suffer from meat poisoning.
Yes, food can actually turn into deadly poison and kill someone! The kinds of poisons resulting from
the putrefaction (decomposition) of meat or fish in the body are some of the most powerful found in the
natural world. Many of the hundreds of thousands of fragile, elderly people lying in hospitals today will
die unnecessarily simply because they are given meat or fish to eat—an impossible feat for the digestive
system to handle after surgery, a heart attack or during treatment for a chronic illness. Often constipated,
these patients do not succumb to their illness; rather, they die from rotting flesh sitting in their
gastrointestinal tract and releasing cadaverine, putrescine, amines and parasites into their digestive
Man’s entire anatomy (jaw, teeth, digestive system, hands and feet), not unlike that of a gorilla or
orangutan, shows that he must have evolved for millions of years living on fruits, grains, vegetables, nuts
and seeds. Before the last sudden pole shift and ice age, no humans inhabited the cold regions of the
world. They all lived in the warm, tropical places where plant foods were plentiful and accessible. But
suddenly, without warning, the formerly tropical areas of Siberia and the Arctic region experienced a
massive drop in temperature. Animals froze to death within a moment while still chewing on tropical
fruit. Such animals were recently found fully intact with the fruit still in their mouth, thousands of years
later. The deep freeze occurred so quickly that they didn’t even have the chance to swallow the fruit they
were eating. Those humans and animals that happened to live in other tropical areas of the world
experienced more moderate climate shifts and thus survived the sudden start of the ice age. However, they
had to learn to live with the seasons as we know them today. During the cold seasons, they had no other
option but to kill animals for food. This is when hunting and meat-eating became a necessity. Yet this has
nothing to do with the original constitutional design of the human body. Furthermore, meat-eating is not
somehow programmed into certain blood types, as the promoters of the blood type diet would have us
Non-carnivorous animals, including the human animal, have long bowels, designed for the slow
digestion of nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits. Our dental structure is only conducive to the cutting of
fruits and vegetables with incisors (think of how useful they are when you eat an apple) and to the
grinding/chewing of nuts, grains and seeds with the help of molars. Our short, dull canines have no real
capacity for slashing or tearing meat. We have, indeed, nothing in our anatomy that compares with the
sharp claws of a tiger or an eagle. The human hand with its opposable thumb is better suited for
harvesting fruits and vegetables than to killing prey. Had it been in our nature to eat flesh, we, too, would
have been equipped with the same or similar hunting faculties as carnivorous animals.

Misleading Theories

Unfortunately, mainstream medical and nutritional science base their theories not so much on the basic
processes that occur in the body, but rather on the contents of food. This can be very misleading, to say
the least. We are being told, for example, that when we lack calcium we should drink milk because it
contains a lot of calcium. We are not being told, however, that in order to digest and metabolize milk
calcium, we must first dispose of the phosphorus contained in milk. To process and remove the

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