
(avery) #1

By design, humans and most other non-carnivorous animals don't depend on eating protein foods to
make or maintain their muscles, cells and organs. Actually, all of us derive the most essential nutrients we
need from the air we breathe, right from the first breath we take. Everyone knows that in order to live we
need oxygen molecules from the air, but very few of us know that we also need and make use of the
nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen molecules with which the air is saturated. These four molecules are the
ingredients that make up every amino acid in the body and anywhere else on the planet. Our DNA and the
liver are perfectly able to synthesize these molecules into amino acids and complete proteins. The brain
produces billions of neuropeptides (peptides consist of amino acids) each day. The trillions of enzymes
the body makes are also made of proteins. Similarly, most hormones in the body are made of pure protein.
A protein deficiency occurs only in people whose liver, respiratory and immune functions are seriously
impaired, or who eat too much protein. This is because excess proteins that accumulate in the basal
membranes of the blood capillaries actually inhibit protein supplies from reaching the cells. Personally, I
have not eaten any concentrated protein foods, e.g., fish, meat, chicken, cheese, milk or eggs, during my
35 years of adulthood, and my body has hardly aged during all those years (being 54 years old at the time
of writing this). On the other hand, I have seen thousands of people who have aged prematurely or
suffered debilitating illnesses because of eating too much protein. At no other time in human history has
humankind consumed so much meat and other concentrated protein foods as today.
The Pitta body type is especially susceptible to becoming poisoned by protein foods, such as meat, fish
and cheese. Their ability to digest these foods is very limited. Naturally, the body doesn’t want to digest
something it doesn’t need and cannot make use of. Using this example, I recommend you to be extremely
cautious about taking the advice of any person or institution that persists in handing out general food
guidelines without regard to a person’s individual body type and physical condition, if applicable.
It is also worth noting that carnivorous animals have an unlimited capacity to handle saturated fats and
cholesterol. Dogs, for example, who received one half pound of butterfat with their daily ration of meat
for two years, showed no signs of damage to their arteries or change of their serum cholesterol. By
contrast, the purely vegetation-eating rabbits quickly developed arteriosclerosis when fed meat or as little
as 2 grams of cholesterol daily. Humans, too, have a very limited capacity to digest and process meat
proteins and meat fats. If you placed a hungry child into a cage with a chunk of meat on one side and an
apple on the other, which of the two do you believe the infant would choose to eat? That’s correct, it
would choose the apple! Place a lion cub in the same cage, and you will see the cub heading straight
toward the meat. If we only listened to our basic instincts, and not to the food industry’s advertising
slogans, we would discover that meat was never meant for humans.

Meat—A Major Cause Of Disease And Aging

Populations that eat meat regularly have the shortest life spans and the highest incidence of
degenerative diseases. According to published reports of national health statistics from around the world,
one out of two people in the industrialized world will die from heart disease or a related blood vessel
disease. In other words, heart disease is the leading killer disease in the world, with cancer following
closely behind. As long ago as June 1961, the American Medical Association reported that a vegetarian
diet could prevent 90 percent of our thromboembolic diseases^15 and 97 percent of our coronary
occlusions. This means that by adopting a vegetarian diet, we would be able to eradicate heart disease
almost completely. Compared with meat-eating, smoking seems only a minor risk factor for heart disease!
It is disconcerting that this important research has long been forgotten and is basically ignored today.

(^15) A condition in which a blood vessel is obstructed by an embolus carried in the bloodstream from the site of formation

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