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natural health care. Apart from discovering Ayurveda’s time-tested insights into the secrets of healing and
longevity, you will also learn how to apply a number of highly effective and profound cleansing
procedures that have seemingly miraculous effects on your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The simplified scientific knowledge and common sense used in this book generate the motivation for
“turning the key” of health and rejuvenation. The book also sheds light on the most common diseases and
misunderstood medical practices today, of which everyone should be aware.
Concerning the improvement of personal health and well-being, we are being challenged to make a
major shift in both our individual and collective attitudes regarding health and freedom. We must move
away from the pre-programmed expectations of illness and aging toward the anticipation of continual
youthfulness and vitality. The old saying that everyone has to age and die seems to be a repeatedly
verified belief doctrine that most people in the world follow blindly without questioning its validity.
Could it be possible, instead, that illness and old age occur because we believe they are an inevitable
curse to which we all are subjected and with which we are doomed to live? If so, in order to fulfill the
curse or belief, as happens with most self-fulfilling prophecies, we are setting the stage for its execution.
Although quite unaware of this human drama, we actually allow ourselves to adopt various methods of
self-destruction, through derogatory diets, lifestyle and behavior. Right from the early years of childhood,
our parents, teachers and society have sentenced us to the “fact” that the body has no choice but to
deteriorate and eventually to die from old age or an illness. It used to be that you would only see a doctor
if you felt ill. Today, you must have a doctor regularly check on you before you are born and then for the
rest of your life. The generally accepted belief that humans are fragile beings that need medical assistance
from time to time, especially as they grow older, generates a distinct feeling of being out of control, of
being dragged down the dark corridor of time by a mysterious power called aging.
The feeling of not being in charge or control is one of the most common causes of physical and
mental illness; most people call it “stress.” The idea of being vulnerable and unsafe generates fear, which
in turn triggers profound biochemical changes in the body. These changes become the physical “reality”
of ill health and aging. Through the intimate mind/body connection, every thought and feeling, to a
greater or lesser degree, alters your experience of health and well-being. A bout of depression can
paralyze your immune system, and falling in love can boost it.
If you are convinced that aging is natural and cannot be avoided, this will be the reality you will
create for yourself. Likewise, you can draw on the same force that causes destruction in the body and
direct it toward healing and rejuvenation. You can prove to yourself that growing old and becoming more
prone to illness are merely the manifested projections of ignorance about the real nature of life. Disease
and aging are not part of your body’s genetic design. Even the so-called “death-gene,” which is in charge
of terminating the lives of cells in our body according to their various predetermined life spans, is the one
that keeps us alive. Without this gene we would all die from cancer within weeks. In this sense, controlled
destruction is the giver of life, and life growing out of control. as is the case with cancer cells, can be the
harbinger of death. New gene research suggests that we could grow as old we want to. There is nothing in
the normal, original setup of our body that indicates it is causing its own aging or diseases. However,
abundant evidence exists to show that aging and illness originate in the combined effects of fearful,
negative mental attitudes, emotions, and excessive accumulation of toxic waste materials in the body.
As a human race, we are about to recognize the vanity of participating in the hypnosis of social
conditioning that keeps our mind veiled in the shadows cast by misinformation. Many of us have already
begun to let go of the fears and doubts that keep us from realizing the tremendous powers that are
patiently waiting for us to put them into action. To make a real difference in life, we need to employ our
vast potential of energy, creativity and intelligence for the truly essential issues in life and for generating a
profound sense of happiness. One of the keys to unleash our endless potential is the body itself.

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