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Another method is to drink three tablespoons of undiluted, unsweetened lemon juice, 15 to 30 minutes
before breakfast daily for one week. This stimulates the gallbladder and makes it ready for a more
successful liver flush.

  1. You may not have followed the directions properly. Leaving out any one item from the procedure,
    or altering the dosages or timing of the steps laid out, may prevent you from obtaining the full results. In
    quite a few people, the liver flush does not work at all unless the large intestine has been cleansed first.
    The backup of waste and gases cuts down adequate bile secretion and prevents the oil mixture from
    moving easily through the GI tract. In people who are severely constipated, the gallbladder may barely
    open up during the liver flush. The best time for a colonic irrigation or an alternative colon cleansing
    method is the day of the actual liver flush.

Intestinal Cleansing—For Prevention And Cure

Your body’s health and vitality largely depend on the effortless and complete elimination of waste
products from the intestinal tract. Most physical problems are caused and exacerbated by a buildup of
waste material that may at first accumulate in the intestines and then spread to other parts of the body,
such as the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, face, and skin.
Accumulated or trapped waste material in the large intestine may consist of impacted feces, hardened
mucus, dead cellular tissue, gallstones that were released from the gallbladder, dead and living bacteria,
parasites, worms, metals and other noxious substances. It undermines the colon’s important role in
absorbing essential minerals and some bacteria-produced vitamins, including the all-important vitamin
B12. Parts of the waste matter may enter the lymph and blood systems, which can make you feel tired,
sluggish or ill.
Colon-related complaints include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, headaches, dizziness, nausea,
sinusitis, eye and ear disorders, backaches, bad breath, body odor, sciatica, skin blemishes and diseases,
abdominal gas, low energy, disorders of the nervous system, etc. A clean colon is a prerequisite for the
balanced functioning of the rest of the body. Cleansing of the large intestine should, therefore, be part of
every healing therapy.

Keep Your Intestines Clean!

A weak, irritated and congested large intestine is a breeding place for destructive bacteria which have
no other purpose than to break down potentially hazardous waste material. As an unavoidable side effect
of their truly life-saving activities, these microorganisms produce toxic, poisonous substances. Some of
the toxins produced by the bacteria enter the blood, which delivers them straight to the liver. Constant
exposure of liver cells to these toxins greatly dampens their performance, causes bile stones and reduces
bile secretion, all of which leads to further disruption of digestive functions. Eventually, the toxins can no
longer be removed from the blood by the liver, and they end up accumulating in the tissues of organs and
systems in the body. Those toxins that enter the lymphatic system, end up causing lymph congestion, fluid
retention, bloating and weight gain.
When you eat highly processed foods that have been stripped of most of their nutrients, natural fiber
and life force, your colon has great difficulty in moving the food mass or chyme along. Processed foods
tend to make for a dry, hard or sticky chyme that does not pass easily through the intestinal tract. The
muscles wrapped around the colon can easily squeeze and push a more fibrous, bulky chyme along, but
they struggle with fiberless, gooey, sticky chyme. When chyme sits too long in the colon, it becomes
harder and drier each day. If that were the only thing that happened—chyme turning into hard, dry

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