
(avery) #1

feces—you would only need to worry about constipation, from which millions of Americans suffer. But
there is more. After the chyme/feces gets plastered onto the walls of the colon, it begins to do several
things, including:

  • Ferment, rot and harden, thereby becoming a breeding ground for parasites and pathogens
    (disease-causing agents), and a storehouse for toxic chemicals that can pollute the blood and
    lymph and slowly poison the body.

  • Form a barrier that prevents the colon from interacting with and absorbing nutrients from food

  • Restrict movement of the colon walls, making it difficult for the colon to rhythmically contract
    (peristalsis) in order to speed the chyme along its way. How well could you do your job if you
    were covered with thick sludge?

The following are some of the symptoms manifesting as a result of colon dysfunction:

  • Lower-back pain

  • Neck and shoulder pain

  • Skin problems

  • Brain fog (difficulty concentrating)

  • Fatigue

  • Sluggishness

  • Colds and flu

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Constipation or diarrhea

  • Digestive problems

    • Flatulence/gas

    • Bloating

    • Crohn's disease

    • Ulcerative colitis

    • Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    • Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis

    • Leaky Gut Syndrome

    • Pain in lower stomach

The large intestine absorbs minerals and water. When the membrane of the large intestine is impacted
with plaque, it cannot properly assimilate and absorb minerals and certain vitamins. Accordingly, no
matter how many supplements you take, your body will begin to suffer from nutrient deficiencies. Most
diseases are, in fact, deficiency disorders. They arise when certain parts of the body suffer
malnourishment, particularly minerals (see also Take Ionic Minerals in this chapter). The main cause of
malnourishment is intestinal congestion. I recommend several possible methods to aid intestinal
cleansing; they are Colonic Irrigation, Magnesium Oxides and Enema treatments. I understand that not
everyone has access to a colon hydrotherapist, so I have included some other options.

Colonic Irrigation

We all know how important it is to clean the outside of the body. However, few people realize that the
same applies to the inside of the body. Historic writings dating back to the ancient Egyptians show that
cleaning the inside of the body with water was considered to be the fastest and most effective way to
lower a fever, alleviate abdominal pain and help ease any discomfort or ailment. The ancients knew that
most diseases were merely manifestations of one single condition, the condition of autointoxication.
Autointoxication results from being poisoned by one’s own wastes. Incomplete elimination of waste
matter from the intestines turns the body into a cesspool of toxins.

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