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times each. This stimulates the kidney functions and triggers the release of specific enzymes that help
with the breakdown of certain acidic deposits in the kidneys. Make certain that there about half an hour in
between chewing “cycles.” Although this is not an essential part of the cleanse, it can enhance its

Sipping Hot Ionized Water

The sipping of hot ionized water has a profound cleansing effect on all the tissues of the body. It helps
reduce overall toxicity, improves circulatory functions, and balances bile. When you boil water for 15 to
20 minutes, it becomes thinner (its molecule clusters are reduced from the normal number of about 10,000
to one or two clusters), and it is charged and saturated with negative oxygen ions (hydroxide, OH−).
When you take frequent sips of this water throughout the day, it begins to systematically cleanse the
tissues of the body and help rid them of certain positively charged ions (those associated with harmful
acids and toxins).
Most toxins and waste materials carry a positive charge and, thus, naturally tend to attach themselves
to the body, which is negatively charged overall. As the negative oxygen ions enter the body with the
ingested water, they are attracted to the positively charged toxic material. This neutralizes waste and
toxins, turning them into fluid matter that the body can remove easily. For the first couple of days or even
weeks of cleansing your body tissues in this way, your tongue may take on a white or yellow coating, an
indication that the body is clearing out a lot of toxic waste. If you have excessive body weight, this
cleansing method can help you shed many pounds of body waste in a short period of time, without the
side effects that normally accompany sudden weight loss.
Directions: Boil water for 15 to 20 minutes and pour it into a thermos. Stainless steel thermoses are
fine. The thermos keeps the water hot and ionized throughout the day. Take one or two sips every half
hour all day long, and drink it as hot as you would sip tea. You may use this method anytime you do not
feel well, have the need for decongesting, wish to keep the blood thin, or simply want to feel more
energetic and clear. Some people drink ionized water for a certain duration, such as three to four weeks;
others do it ongoing.
The oxygen ions are generated through the bubbling effect of boiling water, similar to water falling on
the ground in a waterfall or breaking against the seashore. In the thermos, the water will stay ionized for
up to 12 hours or for as long as it remains hot. The total amount of water you need to boil to give you
enough hot, ionized water for one day would be about 20 to 24 ounces. This specially prepared water
should not substitute for normal drinking water. It doesn’t hydrate the cells like normal water does; the
body uses it to only cleanse the tissues.

Clearing Allergies

In the United States, food allergies claim the lives of 100 to 200 people and send another 30,000 to the
emergency room each year. In addition, millions of people suffer from allergies or sensitivity to chemicals
added to common foods, including artificial colors or preservatives. There are many environmental
contaminants contained in food packaging materials such as plastic bottles or plastic wraps, not to
mention the exhaust fumes, pesticides, paint or carpet vapors and other environmental chemicals so many
of us are exposed to every day. It would be harmful for the body if it did not react at all against the
massive onslaught of poisons it has to deal with.

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