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In many cases, growing up in an overly sterile environment may cause the immune systems to
overreact when they get in contact with harmless substances. Food processing, genetically engineered
foods, or the age when solid foods are first given to infants, may also be contributing factors to the
escalation of allergies. Among the most common foods to cause allergic reactions are milk, eggs, peanuts,
tree nuts (like cashews), fish, shellfish, soy and wheat (gluten). These foods account for about 90 percent
of all allergy reactions in the United States. However, in the above examples, with the exception of tree
nuts and wheat, it is actually normal for the body to try to defend itself against these potentially damaging
foods. They were never meant for human consumption, but for animal consumption. The very toxic
enzyme inhibitors in soy, for example, prevent the digestion of soy proteins, which makes it very difficult
for the human body not to react. The same applies to peanuts, and even to other nuts and legumes, unless
they are soaked overnight before consumption. Creating shortcuts in the baking process of wheat products
such as adding yeast, which prevents the destruction of harmful antibodies, or adding extra gluten, has
made many people sensitive to wheat.
Keeping a food diary helps you sort out the allergy triggers. To test for food allergies, take your pulse
for one minute; then place a small piece of the food under your tongue and take your pulse again; if the
count is higher than before you may be allergic to that particular food.
Although the liver cleanse helps remove the main physical cause of allergies in the body, you may
need other methods to “persuade” the cells of the immune system to stop producing antibodies against
antigens present, for example, in dust, pollen, duck feathers, cat hair, or such foods as milk, wheat,
oranges, tomatoes, etc. In fact, allergic reactions, which might have had their root cause in a congested
liver and impaired digestive system and have not disappeared, may be responsible for causing gallstones
again. Bio-resonance Therapy is one method to deal with any remaining antibody complexes in the blood
responsible for allergic reactions.
It is known in the circles of natural health practitioners that most every person suffering from a chronic
disease illness or long-term complaint has one or several allergies. An allergy results when repeated
exposure of the body to a normally harmless substance or antigen stimulates the immune system to
produce antibodies. In whichever part of the body the defense reaction is most pronounced, that’s where
the symptoms of disruption and discomfort will occur more intensely. If it happens to occur in the nose,
sinus cavities or chest area, you may suffer from severe mucus congestion and breathing difficulties.
Likewise, a similar immune response in the ovaries can cause ovarian cysts; in the prostate gland, it may
lead to prostate enlargement. In some instances, the reaction may trigger anaphylactic shock, nausea, skin
rashes, breathing difficulties, fainting, diarrhea, and death. There may be many more diseases linked to
allergic reactions than are currently known.
Research in the field of Radionics has shown that there are four main allergies, which cover most
other possible allergies. These take account of the body’s reactions to duck feathers, milk, wheat, and
mint. Accordingly, if you happen to be allergic to duck feathers you may also be allergic to a number of
allergens that belong in the category of duck feathers, such as certain fruits, vegetables, dust particles,
metals, pollutants, etc. There may, in fact, be hundreds of such substances. By annulling your body’s
allergic response to duck feathers through Bio-resonance Therapy, all these other allergies linked to duck
feathers are likely to disappear as well. Similarly, when a wheat allergy has been cleared up, the body’s
immune system will stop to react to all the antigens that fall in the wheat category. The same principle
applies to the groups pertaining to the milk and mint allergies.
Most people with health problems have at least one major allergy, which may, for example, be against
wheat and its subordinates. Almost everyone who has tooth fillings made with mercury-containing
amalgam is allergic to milk, as well as to its products and subordinates. Research has shown that all AIDS

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