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patients, who have been tested for all the four allergy categories, are allergic to each one of them. Cancer
patients have allergies to at least three groups.
Bio-resonance therapists who test not only the entire physical body as a whole for existing allergies,
but each energy center (chakra) separately, seem to have the best results. Subsequent tests show no further
allergies against anything; that is, provided that a balanced diet and lifestyle remain or become an integral
part of daily life. Recent research conducted in Germany on the value of Bio-resonance Therapy in the
treatment of the severest forms of allergy showed that out of 200 tested patients, 83 percent were
completely cured of all allergies and 11 percent had improved significantly. Although Bio-resonance
Therapy may be effective even without cleansing of the liver, the benefits are much more pronounced if it
is applied after the liver has been cleansed. The success of this treatment is determined by exposing
oneself to the former antigens such as orange juice, flower pollen, or gluten that is contained in wheat.
In my experience, my method of Sacred Santémony (see end of book or my website for details) has
shown the most powerful and immediate effects for common allergies or chemical sensitivities. I was able
to remove gluten allergies and even chemical allergies in a large number of people who had them for
decades within a matter of half an hour or less. In some cases, a repeat session was necessary to solidify
the results. Also, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), available for download from the Internet, has
helped people clear up allergies. Most allergies actually have an emotional component to them, which
makes them resistant to standard medical treatment.

Replacing Metal Tooth Fillings And Removing Toxic Metals/Chemicals From The Body

Metal Fillings—A Ticking Time Bomb?

Metal dental ware is a constant source of poisoning and allergic reaction in the body (especially to
milk and its products). All metal corrodes in time, especially in the mouth where there is a high
concentration of air and moisture. Among other harmful metals, amalgam fillings contain the extremely
toxic mercury. Mercury makes up 50 percent of the filling! Their vapors are being released into the lungs
through inhalation and enter the digestive system while eating and drinking. When they enter the blood
and lymph, they can cause considerable damage in the body, including the nervous system. Recently,
researchers produced a special video that showed constant mercury vapor escaping from the mouths of
people with metal fillings in their teeth. That’s not very nice, if you are into kissing.
In Germany, a federal law passed in the mid-nineties prohibits dentists to give mercury fillings to their
patients. For the same reason, most North-European countries have limited the use of amalgam, and
Sweden, Spain, Austria, and Denmark, among others, also banned this product in the year 2000. The
amalgam compounds are so toxic that dentists are instructed not to touch amalgam with bare hands and
store excess amalgam in tightly sealed containers. If it is so dangerous to touch amalgam, it certainly is
dangerous to keep it in the mouth 24 hours a day, year after year, or get it injected in the blood with the
flu vaccine!
The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report showing that mercury absorbed from amalgam
fillings is up to ten times higher than mercury absorbed from environmental and dietary sources. It is
noteworthy to point out that patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Alzheimer’s disease have up to ten
times the normal mercury levels in their brains. Post-mortem studies show that the mercury level in some
organs is directly proportional to the number of amalgam fillings in a diseased person.

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